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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. So even "Geschwindigkeitsprüfabschnitte" are present in the game and correctly implemented? (like the variation of 1000Hz and 2000Hz Magnets, with the possibility to accept them (wachsam) when its a 1000Hz one?!)
  2. Hello, the Dresden-Görlitz line is already in the works. I'm already incredibly excited about it - and of course about other German routes. The quality that I already know from SimRail (and then expect) makes enormous anticipation in me awake. SHP and Co are very simple train control systems. But will PZB (and for the future LZB, as well as ETCS with German rules) also be reproduced correctly and in detail? Honestly, I'm already looking forward to the release of the German line with PZB, when many first regularly behind signals (or before) involuntarily come to a halt xD Larynx
  3. Has something happened here? Will it be implemented in the upcoming timetable?
  4. Gibt es denn irgendwo eine übersichtliche roadmap, was die Entwickler so alles noch planen? Auch ggf. welche Wünsche sie umsetzen möchten? Grüße Larynx
  5. Das haben auch Stellwerke, welche nicht auf der Karte angezeigt werden ;)
  6. thanks for the tipp. Didnt know it until now 🙂 Awesome features!!!
  7. Auf der Livemap steht seit ein paar Tagen das "Sosnowiec Południowy". Wird wohl entsprechend das nächste Stellwerk sein. Mehr habe ich noch nicht entdeckt.
  8. I would add that vehicles and people actually drive and wait at level crossings. Doesn't do much to reopen level crossings at the moment - nobody wants to go over there anyway.
  9. Not as an Dispatcher 😉
  10. It would be awesome to see how the others drive 🙂 I always think it's a shame that you can't get in. After all, the interiors of the trains are designed... It would be a super free-to-play or demo. Game is free to download and ride anywhere. If you want to lend a hand yourself - you have to buy it.
  11. Do you plan to add more riders to the game? The 1-2 passengers who get on are very few. A whole EC drives in and a maximum of 3 passengers board. I've never seen one get off. There would have to be whole masses of passengers coming. At the same time, the passenger trains are absolutely dark at night. It would be great if passengers could also have lights on the trains at night. Greetings.
  12. I primarily have a question: Are ambient trains planned? In other words, trains that only briefly enter the playable area. As a dispatcher, it is often very monotonous and not very varied. If I drive myself, I drive through endless expanses - without much traffic. And that, where I ride one of the main routes in Poland! Ambient trains would be great for both sides! There's just more going on. There are a lot of sidings, operating tracks and the like. Unfortunately, everything is absolutely pointless and unused at the moment. Theoretically (if traffic were like this in reality) you could also build the whole route as a single track 😛 Greetings
  13. now we can easily count: between 14 and 25 Trains. Thats are not enaugh 🙂
  14. I'm not saying anything against realism. But of course a game should also offer something. Barely any train selection is a bit modest. If sometimes nothing - or little - happens, that's not bad. I also like to play Microsoft Flight Simulator and other interlocking simulations like Signalsoft. It is also very quiet there. But consistently SO quiet? However, one should not draw any conclusions due to an Early Access bug.
  15. Hello, I am currently sitting as a dispatcher on a server and have exactly nothing to do. There is simply no train. If I then want to take over a train myself, I don't really have anything to choose from. I would like to be able to run special trains with a start and destination point defined by me. This would also make the work in the interlocking much more interesting, since the loose timetable would then become somewhat tighter and fuller - so that talent is necessary. Accordingly, also a little more fun factor comes up! Alternatively, the timetable could be tightened up considerably. Thanks 🙂
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