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  1. I'm not saying you should change all the textures to read English or whatever language. But their should be a box when you hover over it that translates it, like DTG does. I barely remember what buttons and switches to press. On top of that i need to learn a second language to play a game? Thats just backwards...Really I'm talking about dispatcher mode. Train description screen is still in Polish and their was a couple of other things that I can't remember off the top of my head. I'm telling you, your average consumer isn't going to learn a second language to play a game and they will just refund it. Edit: I realized their is tool tips now when you hover. That wasn't their the last time I drove a train(been playing dispatcher 99% of the time). But the pop ups are still buggy and don't come up 80% of the time. I'm looking at long term. I want this platform to strive because I'm tired of being stuck in a monopoly. You might think its fine to have it in another language, to me I don't really care I can figure it out. But the average person buying this isn't going to want to figure it out. Do you remember that we live in a world where everyone wants everything easy and handed to them?
  2. Here's the problem in that thinking, when you market a game to certain country's. You don't expect them to learn a whole other language just to play a game. The common user isn't going to do that and they will just refund the game. Which means less revenue which equals less content and support. Which means we get stuck with a money hungry competitor.
  3. I was playing disptacher on Bedzin. I had train number 245031 depart from Dabrowa on, I think that is track 4 or 186?. Tried to look it up on the train list and it would not come up. 245030 was on the list. Which matched the time and track of 245031. I have also seen this on a couple of other stations for a couple different trains but did not document it. Screenshot was taken at 10:03. So it should be around 10:03 in the log. Log_2022-12-12_09-02-04_part1.txt
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