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Everything posted by Niinox

  1. As far as I'm aware, German and American routes are already in development by third parties. At this point its a question of if the editor will ever go public like it was supposed to.
  2. Joining this discussion because it seems to be the primary one for the servers being shuttered. SimRail team, please, prioritize backend functionality for people to host their own dedicated servers. Allow groups to have their own communities/build their own setups. There's already one route without any online community because there's no server for it (80s). And it has extremely limited function with the built-in scenarios. Which is a shame because the Ty2 is magnificent. There's more coming, and unless you're going to host servers in house for every map you put out, and worry about language issues therein, we're going to need the ability to put together servers to run ourselves. Personally I would love to be able to launch a dedicated server, run a timetable, and either give my friends a password or allow the community at large in and self-moderate. It takes pressure off you to both run the server and administrate individual issues/reports. Please.
  3. It may be due to the implementation/version of DLSS. Some are apparently more finicky with DLSSQualityLevels. That said if you're trying to actually use DLSS for scaling and not force DLAA, the regular use of DLSS should work for you. What're you trying to do specifically?
  4. There's multiple settings in DLSS Tweaks. If you have 'ForceDLAA' on, it will always do DLAA. You have to turn that setting off if you want to scale differently. If that's disabled, you can enable the 'DLSSQualityLevels' and set custom ratios.
  5. I just wanna bring this to people's attention now that the full game's launched. There is no DLAA support natively, but DLSSTweaks allows it (and does not mess with multiplayer connections). Very helpful 馃檪
  6. Is there perhaps any chance of an update on this, if not a hotfix overall?
  7. Hi team. Long time no bugpost. I'm not attaching my log right this second because I don't believe it's relevant; a number of other people have voiced on the discord toward me they have the same issue so I don't think it's a one-off. The ED250, after any application of air braking, goes into traction lock; which is normal. However once the traction lock indicator de-illuminates, it remains in effect for somewhere around 30 seconds. You're completely unable to apply power, and therefore can't move. I've had to sit in stations and start rolling back before I could actually start moving. Likewise at signals. It's difficult to maintain speed after an ETCS-ordered slowdown if you follow the braking curve, as it requires air braking. And then you're stuck with the traction lock remaining in effect far longer than it should before you can apply power. Thank you. Sorry for the trouble! -Lawliet
  8. Coming back to this, I'm not seeming to have any issues. Far better FPS than TAA, barely any ghosting. Just DLAA functioning plainly. It also doesn't actually effect anything functionally, so it quite literally just makes things look better at no performance cost for AA (unlike TAA). I'm getting really fond of this program for games like this. I do apologize if the devs take any issue, but I'd hope they'd be welcoming for the concept.
  9. Bringing this up in single player because I don't want to cause any grief by trying to have a discussion in the multiplayer area given it's an injection software. But I'm interested in if anyone's been using/used DLSSTweaks for SimRail before. For those who don't know, it's an injector for Nvidia DLSS enabled games that can allow you to change the levels of DLSS resolution scaling, force DLAA instead of DLSS, and a bunch of other nifty things. TAA's been...Unfriendly to my eyes. I do my best to get used to it, but it's...Difficult. DLSS is nice, except the in-cab ghosting on the displays makes me have a very difficult time setting up speed control or ensuring things are set how I'd intend them. Any advice/input/suggestions are wholly welcomed.
  10. EN2 is at the same time as EN1 though?
  11. Hi everybody! As someone in Mountain Time (GMT-07) who's only able to play in the evening, every English-speaking server is already into the night/dark and on reduced scheduling, if not coming onto reduced scheduling, which kind of...Sucks. I'd like to propose making EN3 further differentiated from EN1/2 by increasing the time offset. Currently it's 5 hours. I'd ask that the devs consider a US West Coast timezone, if not outright setting it to GMT-12 to completely oppose EN1/2. I hope this is worthy of some thought. When the schedule looped every hour, it was fine. I don't mind night driving. But missing out on active/busy lines/traffic? That does bug me a bit. Especially since we don't have AI in single player as yet. Thank you for your consideration!
  12. My point on the Kibel is that I have to 'press' the Brake Increase bind, and then rapidly press the 'Brake Decrease' bind to keep it from immediately locking up. And then I have to hold the 'Brake Decrease' to actually reduce the braking. I feel like it should be hold to increase, hold to decrease. I mean no disrespect to reality. Just...Keyboard functionality can be a pain by relation.
  13. I'm quite enjoying the update, though it'd be nice if we got the seasons applied to the online servers. Or one or two 馃槢 Also I've noticed I've lost fine control of the braking lever in the Pendolino. I can now only jump between the presets (Min Electric/Max Electric/Initial/Full Service). I can't seem to apply braking power between these levels. Also have to say that I love the E57. I just don't like that pressing the button 'holds' the brake application. That thing goes to 100% in no time. Otherwise I'm having an absolutely fantastic time and I'm really glad we finally got a major update. Can't wait to see what's coming next!
  14. Good luck with the timetable overhaul!
  15. I just want to say thank you for putting these together. I've been very hopeful for this kind of colored scheme showing what goes where since playtesting.
  16. Stuck trains, I'll agree there needs to be a remedy. However I would argue against removing trains simply because they're behind schedule. Sometimes a good chunk of fun is running behind and dealing with the congestion from it.
  17. Problem there is the moment your server restarts, none of your progress 'counts'. I don't care about points, I just care about correct driving. But I have become enamored with leveling up overall. While I'm glad there's no per-run 'rating' like a certain other developer likes to foist in; I do enjoy a sense of progression. And as it stands, no progression counts unless you drive the train off the map. You could do a full run from Warszawa to Katowice on an EC service (if you got lucky enough to all-in-one that between restarts), but if, say, you leave the service at Katowice instead of driving off the map, you get no progression. Same for restarts, disconnections, and any sort of leaving that isn't 'ending' the service with a drive-off.
  18. Putting this together because I couldn't find anything similar. I sorted by priority (perceived, at least). So far I've only covered passenger trains. I hope to figure out freights soon enough. Also looking for advice on what the freight acronyms (TME/TCE/LTE) mean. Service Number Departure - Destination Map Start - Map End EIP 1300 (Warszawa Groch贸w - Krak贸w G艂贸wny) Warszawa Wschodnia - Tunel 1400 (Warszawa Groch贸w - Gliwice) Warszawa Wschodnia - Katowice 3100 (Krak贸w G艂贸wny - Warszawa Groch贸w) Tunel - Warszawa Wschodnia 4100 (Gliwice - Warszawa Groch贸w) Katowice - Warszawa Wschodnia --- EC 14100 (Warszawa Groch贸w - Bohumin) Warszawa Wschodnia - Katowice 41100 (Bohumin Vrbice - Warszawa Groch贸w) Katowice - Warszawa Wschodnia --- TLK 16100 (Warszawa Groch贸w - Wroc艂aw G艂贸wny) Warszawa Wschodnia - Jaktor贸w 24100 (Kielce - Gliwice) Knap贸wka/Czarnca - Katowice 24100 (Skar偶ysko-Kamienna - Gliwice) S臋dzisz贸w - Katowice 42100 (Gliwice - Kielce) Katowice - Knap贸wka/Czarnca 42100 (Gliwice - Skar偶ysko-Kamienna) Katowice - S臋dzisz贸w 61600 (Wroc艂aw G艂贸wny - Warszawa Groch贸w) Jaktor贸w - Warszawa Wschodnia --- S 40100-S1/S41 (Gliwice/Tychy Lodowisko - Cz臋stochowa) Katowice - Zawiercie/Myszk贸w 40600-S1/S41 (Cz臋stochowa - Gliwice/Tychy Lodowisko) Zawiercie/Myszk贸w - Katowice --- REG 24900 (Kielce - Katowice Ligota) S臋dzisz贸w - Katowice 42900 (Katowice Ligota - Kielce) Katowice - S臋dzisz贸w --- KM1 19900 (Warszawa Groch贸w - Skierniewice) Warszawa Wschodnia - Jaktor贸w 91900 (Skierniewice - Warszawa Groch贸w) Jaktor贸w - Warszawa Wschodnia
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  19. A suggestion that I'm sure is on the docket for early access already, but I feel is worth mentioning as we haven't gotten anything official one way or the other. A timetable overhaul where consists are penned/stabled at night (minus overnight trains/those that would be running; maybe add a few to keep some variety) and peak hours have more trains than the normal scheduling. As it stands, like the playtest, we seem to be running on a one-hour timeloop. I think it would be reasonable to ask for a proper 24-hour timetable that adapts based on the time of day. I'm guessing something like this is intended after shunting comes in/the ability to remove present trains from being selectable on the board to some extent. But I'd still like it noted that we most assuredly need, if/when functionality is established, a better timetable with time-of-day changes. I'd also ask it be more padded; include trains that are only briefly on the playable area (as non-playable trains) to fill the lines up and better match true-to-world operations and congestion.
      • 2
      • I agree
  20. To expand upon this. It would be a really big help to be able to sort by departure and destination (ex. Select departure, show a list of possible destinations). Not only would it allow people to learn the respective routes for the services, but it would make it a whole lot easier to avoid getting into a service that's going the wrong way or that you're not after. As well, it would provide a simple way to know which train is most recently departed (given we already have a 'time left' countdown). Unless we get detailed path maps, I feel like this would be a huge help for just trying to get a handle on the absolute scale of the map and diverging paths in the southern half.
  21. Hey SimRail team! I've had a great time with the launch, though I don't think I've seen single dragon service. Anyway I wanted to suggest an update for the ED250 to fix some issues that were present (and fixed) in the playtest on the EU07. 1. The keyboard control on the brakes needs the same overhaul. 2. The radio also needs the same suppression or fix for the 'incorrect channel' issue that was fixed in playtesting. Just a couple things I've noticed so far. Thank you!
      • 2
      • I agree
  22. A decent alternate would be "Disregard previous information or request for Train #####." instead of saying 'cancelled', which to us English speakers make it seem like yeah, the train's cancelled and will not proceed ahead.
  23. The field of view is the vertical and horizontal visible range. That has absolutely nothing to do with eye adaptation which is a 'simulation' of eye reaction between light and dark.
  24. Thank you! And now I've found the settings config so I can try ratcheting up my render distances. Seeing everything vanish when my system is running smoothly, makes me wanna look further haha
  25. Just wondering if there's a config document or something that can be saved for carrying over to full launch. I've redone all my keybindings and I'd hate to have to reset once more.
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