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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. I am not sure if this is a bug or a situation that is unforseen. While driving service 14131 for whatever reason when reaching Opoczno Południe the dispatcher did not send me to the platform but instead he sent me straight through the station, as soon as I noticed the mistake I stopped at the point where the distance countdown to stop was 0 and tried to contact the dispatcher over voice and text with no response. Realising there was nothing I could do I just continued on with the service but the game never registered that I had passed the station (never gave me a penalty or anything, distance decreased to 0 and then started increasing again) so it just started counting up the distance as I moved away. I noticed that when moving away the distance to next stop was increasing, dropped and then started increasing again. You can see this on the two screenshots I sent. The one where I was at 61kmh driving away from the station shows 3km from the stop while the one where I was at 74kmh shows 2km to the station even though it was taken after and I was further away from the station than in the first. SimRail_log_2023-01-14_13-14-55.txt
  2. Earlier while trying to learn the Łazy signal box I had a service with number 245047 appear and I could not fine it on the timetable.
  3. It's a known bug. It has already been reported to the devs.
  4. I have noticed that in some instances the "You are approaching the station" message shows quite a long time before I am actually close to the station. Here is an exaple from earlier where I was 13km away from the station and the message continued showing all the way untill I arrived.
  5. While driving an intercity route I started receiving the wrong radio channel message even though I had changed it. I am aware this is already a reported bug however I decided to continue since It wasnt realy affecting my experince. By the time I completed the scenario I had 100+ wrong radio channel warnings which equated to more than -1000xp in points loss which ended up being greater to the remaining positive points I had earned during the session. Once I returned to menu I noticed that my level had decreased. I am not sure if this is a bug or part of the intended mechanism but I have decided to report it anyway.
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