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SimRail Early Access


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  1. I have now played through several, even longer scenarios. There have been no further crashes. Thank you again for the tip regarding texture size!
  2. The same scenario now ran to completion without crashing even with half the texture resolution. However, I am no longer certain whether this setting caused crashes in other scenarios. SimRail_log_2024-04-30_15-22-13.txt
  3. Thank you for the response. I lowered the textures to the lowest setting, and I was able to complete the scenario without any issues. As an experiment, I will try the same scenario again with the medium setting. I am attaching the log. SimRail_log_2024-04-30_13-09-02.txt
  4. Second attempt: I uninstalled the game on Steam and reinstalled it. I played the EN57 tutorial in Katowice-Warsaw. The crash of the game happened very late this time. Shortly before the terminus. crash.zip SimRail_log_2024-04-24_22-55-35.txt
  5. The game crashes during each session within 5-10 minutes. I have attached the log files. SimRail_log_2024-04-24_01-27-44.txt SimRail_log_2024-04-24_02-36-04.txt SimRail_log_2024-04-24_03-31-11.txt
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