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Everything posted by bin_zocken

  1. As you can see in the screenshot, Psary has the "ZKB"-command for switching block-directions with Starzyny. If this command is applied to send a train to Starzyny, it was reported to me that on the relay-pannel the request for changing the direction is visible, but the Pzk-Button would not work to acknowledge the request. After switching ZKB off and using ZWBL -> WBL, everything works normal again.
  2. This bug is observable both in Single as well as Multiplayer modes: The lever for the Engine Room Air Intake seems to have a double-function as the light-switch for the room: If you have switched on the engine-room lights via the normal switch next to the door, you can turn it off again via the mentioned air intake lever. In order to trigger the bug, you have to use the lever at least 3 or more times I guess, but once this is done it double-functions as the light-switch for the engine room.
  3. As it seems that some Dispatcher-Stations like Juliusz or DG Huta Katowice are not fully equiped with track-clearance indicators, it would be a very appreciable detail to enable the auxiliary light on the buildings to check for the end-of-train sign Pc5 at night. My suggestion is to make use of the "3"-key, which currently does not seem to be functional in dispatcher-mode, to toggle the first-person camera at a position outside of the building´s windows, like if the player would stick his head out. Then, the player could the be enabled to move his first-person-camera around with the mouse as usual, while the focus of the light is centered in the middle of the camera. In effect both the first-person view and the beam of light would be linked together, creating the impression that the player is controlling the light with his mouse while checking the Pc5-Signs at the end of the train. The screenshots below are to illustrate this idea. Of course, since the reason for this suggestion is to enable a more realistic game-play, the light would have to be bright enough in-game to make the observation of Pc5 - signs at night/ in darkness graphically possible. Depending on how these lights work in reality, the devs would also have to introduce a new usable switch on the inside of the signal box I guess.
  4. It seems like there are some missing signs for a neutral section in the overhead-wire on LK 4, Track 1, at roughly kilometer 33,5 - 33,9. When driving from Szeligi into the direction of Biala Rawska, I noticed that there is a We9a-Sign, but it is not preceded by a We8a-Sign as it would be normally the case.
  5. Over the course of the current Early-Access phase of SimRail, I gained the impression that for many new players Juliusz Signal-Box is too difficult for "learning-by-doing". When I was new myself, I had to get some help from other players to operate it, and only after reading a lenghty tutorial in the forum, I was able to fully understand what I am doing. And since then, it has been a dozen or more times that I myself had to help new players to operate it. I therefore suggest to increase the difficulty-level of Juliusz to 4 or 5 for the reast of the early access-period, or at least until some better introduction or wiki is easily available to new players.
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