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SimRail Playtests Early Access


4 Neutral
  1. This is a must, I fancied driving the ED250 in single player, cold and dark start. I get told I need to use the radio, however I get no information at all about how to wake the train up in order to make the radio work - unfortunately I'm not a real-life train driver so some basics would be appreciated - I could spend ages randomly clicking buttons, but thats not at all sim-like really... I'm assuming that real life drivers don't get sat in the drivers seat and told to get on with it with no instruction lol.
  2. @Crypter EmeraldHope you don't mind me jumping in on yuour thread! I'd like to second this, really enjoying the sim so far, it certainly feels a lot more sim-like than other similar products out there and the multiplayer aspect of having the dispatch side of it was something that I didn't know I needed until now. Once a few of the bigger bugs are ironed out (AI dispatch being the main game-breaker) then is will be really fun. With regard to patching and speed of updates, I'm impressed so far. For example, the current issue with the servers, I came to the forum to see what was happening and straight away, a big banner at the top to let me know it's being worked on - that's the right way to keep people on-side when an issue occurs instead of being left in the dark and getting frustrated. 😁
  3. Apologies, I hadn't seen any update from you to say you had tried the texture size change and it hand't worked. I'll keep more of an eye out to see if I get any stuttering and if there is any pattern to it 🙂
  4. Have you tested by reducing to half resolution textures to see if that resolves the issue? I don't know what resolution "full resolution" textures are so depending on what the devs use for full res it might bring many systems to their knees when loading them in. Instead of asking the same question multiple times, try the advice given, see if it helps in your case then come back if it doesn't. I'd much rather have a nice smooth experience on "half resolution textures" than a stuttering one on full res and it still looks good to me.
  5. I had the same stuttering you describe and it was down to the texture resolution being set to full. Reduced this to half and no longer have stutters. This was happening when driving and it loaded new areas as well as changing the view (froze/stuttered for a few seconds). I've got it running at 4k, most settings on high/ultra using an 8700K@4.7GHz and a 3080 and its now a really nice experience. There are still things I'd like to see improved but at least the stuttering is gone.
  6. I wonder if some type of licence system could be implemented where a player could learn the ropes of driving and dispatch in the single player mode. Once they've had a succesful X amount of time playing without causing the system to grind to a halt they get a rating for that type of dispatch board or train and are then able to play it in multiplayer. Having people learning while on a multiplayer server is the path to the dark side and bad reviews.
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