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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. here are some better instances - and lighting is not what the issue is. this was 8 days ago: pre-patch today: post-patch you've really got to zoom in at the tracks/horizon line Something is different.
  2. This likely may not be a 'bug' though I sure hope it is. I've had such faith and hope for Simrail and this just deflates it all for me... this horrible new default render distance that was snuck in the last patch for whatever reason. I've been playing the new dispatch tower since the last patch so i haven't really noticed til today - I then took a train out for a run and it was abundantly clear the render distance is pretty bad now. This most definitely was not like this pre the Jan 21 patch - Please, fix this. Or rather (which I'm assuming this is for lower spec PC's and a eventual Console port)... *Give us options for higher settings* Pre-Patch Post Jan 21 patch Yes, the pictures are slightly different but it's clear the 2nd shot the tracks just vanish at a rather close distance. this is looking the other way from KZ and just a few shots from my stunning realization..... Please don't go the route Asobo/DTG and other devs have gone with stuff like this. I've not seen any official mention of this hence my post - yes, I've seen 'fixes' for editing things behind the scenes, but I'm not interested in that. It should look how it looked upon release w/o any 'modding'
  3. As far as the time of day, choose a server that is at night. for example, 'UTC+XXX '
  4. I'm experiencing the same thing. Noticed it on the Dragon2 and Elf so far. Sort of as what was mentioned- if you take control at a stopped instance its not possible to release brakes. If you let the train continue in motion and then take control from a.i. you should be fine to continue. TLDR: take control from a.i. whilst in motion
  5. Playing a lot of dispatch lately, I see a lot of trains go past which made me notice this more and more. I initially thought this was on my end, but I changed multiple settings to try and fix the issue. When an ELF passes me there is a flash as each unit of the train passes me. Something with the lighting/textures? Parts of the picture/screen/world black out. Seems to happen regardless of FSR setting/on/off https://streamable.com/twz0zo
  6. Over my play this morning I encountered quite a few issues... AMD 6700xt/5800x on Windows 11 - max graphical settings (save for textures which were set at 1/2) This was all one play session without restarting the game. In single player I began by completing the br186 tutorial, which went fine, I then took the early morning service with the Pendolino (don't recall the svc #) which started well but then encountered issues. Firstly, when I began my stops underneath Warsaw's city center (the underground bits) the lighting got really weird. Soon as I initially entered the first tunnel the lighting became extremely bright which then turned into something akin to the surface of the sun at the actual station stop. The entire underground experience looked like this (pics attached) The moment I got the train outside the bright lighting issues cleared up. Later on, in the middle part of the line in the countryside the grass completely disappeared. If I free cam looked in a certain area or angle it would sort of re-appear momentarily, but the grass was totally gone for 95% of the journey. Upon exterior cameras you could clearly see a ring around the player's train/position which was odd. Again, in the exterior camera some angles would have the grass appear - but it never remained. (Angle 1 - grass) (Angle 2 - no grass) Now the weird halo/circle around the player The whole experience was largely smooth with a good framerate and zero to little stutter.
  7. I've noticed the issue on several occasions and after using several train services consecutively Game restart seems to fix it as a temp fix.
  8. Same here - Log Attached Windows 11, AMD 6700XT & 5800X Seems to happen around the player/loco as we move across the map Also, for what it's worth I've only notice this today 12/11/2022 - been playing since day one (alot, like unhealthy alot) Log_2022-12-11_10-24-13_part1.txt
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