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SimRail Early Access

sfh0525 last won the day on September 30 2024

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  1. After recent patch. ETCS in this scenario is still not working. if barely working at all. After leaving Warsaw West, entered ETCS L2 FS section. The icons displayed were not matching to planning area. Later completely tripped with weird 20 speed limit, and some Unauthorized pass of EoA. And never able to recover to FS mode. And after leaving GM, entering L1 section. After passing first L1 balise, the ETCS tripped again. And still not able to recover to FS mode after passing next balise at SR mode. Also SR mode speed limit is weird. Only 20kph at L1. Pic 1 and 2: MA suddenly withdrawn. Pic 3: non stopping area? The white one is never used in game. But was displayed , and mismatch the planning area. Pic 4: Later tripped again with MA suddenly disappeared. Pic 5: never able to start the mission. Pic 6: After switching to L1FS, tripped again. And unable to recover to FS mode at next balise. In short. Your SP mission of ETCS is barely working at all. SimRail_log_2024-12-28_12-43-36.txt
  2. thanks. I see. (that's why the more I tried the more deep i stucked 😞
  3. Update, after some weird tweaks in ET22 electric cabin. I forced turned on the main switch. Though the end is really... wild. I almost thought it was also an event and EB'ed. ZEW3 nothing. And keep going and complete the task.
  4. Im 100% sure Im not doing wrong. And I was able to set up and rolled ET22 for 3 times (and later I hit some deers/bears). And until now, game still prevent me from switch on the main breaker. ET22 should able to close main breaker after raised pantograph and get line voltage, which I did get them. Also for your EP08 mission. I am not even able to reach the seat. Im stucked at the door. Unable to move.
  5. ET22 often can not enabled circuit breaker for no reasons. Only first few times it worked, later just completely dead.
  6. 1st time, just joined and my ETCS setup by AI wasnt successful, and tripped. When I restart the train. When I was accelerating to 40 SR speed llimit, I was suddenly push forward and I instantly derailed. 2nd time, I tried another pendo at line64, first I got 200kph speed limit (which should be 160 here) then balise read error. After restart. I found my parking brake of first 3 car werent released as picture showed. I tried a little. Then suddenly train launched forward. Then derailed. Later my game crashed. 3rd time, as I restart my game, I tried another pendo. Then get tripped again. And restart the train. Later I found my brake pipe pressure went up to >20 bar. Then train get launched again. Supersonic this time. There are 2 logs. First txt for first and second derail. Second is for the third derail. BTW I was playing EN1 SimRail_log_2024-07-23_01-20-26.txt SimRail_log_2024-07-23_02-07-49.txt
  7. See the MA or route planning area. Before passing the exit balise, there's plenty of MA. But after passed the exit balise, the MA distance shrink greatly, and caused certain EB, or ETCS intervention. I have tried playing multiple ET25 trains with ETCS enabled heading north in Kozlow. It's 100% will cause this MA reduction and thus EB.
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