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Everything posted by GoldLettuce8526

  1. I hope everyone has blessed holidays, and a Happy New Year! James
  2. Smooth operator. Nice work, thanks!
  3. Nice thank you for the fixes! You're welcome. I'm glad to have been able to help.
  4. When trains start breaking down or mistakes happen you'll appreciate the communication before trains start getting fed down the ABS lines between the interlockings, probably more so when its AI dispatchers who aren't keeping up on the conversations between drivers and dispatchers.
  5. They are still working on negotiating a new contract with the railroads. Stay tuned.
  6. Is there a way to command an AI train from a tower, maybe even a player controlled signal box(or two) closest to the train to have it reverse/proceed/reverse slow/proceed slow/shunt to the next signal? There seem to be traffic jams that happen whether there the interlockings are AI controlled or player controlled. Also, maybe players can take over trains like that, or have dispatchers vote them up to the board(priority move [extra points]) for players to take control of?
  7. From Sosnowiec Główny signal box/tower walking north along track 2 there is a hole in the ground or something. You end up street level under an overpass, but can walk back up toward the tracks.
  8. Duplicated on two separate trips as shown in the screenshots. Thanks again!
  9. Driver fell through platform at Włoszczowa Północ when exiting the locomotive. Walking further or jumping puts the driver back at platform level.
  10. The listing of players on each server is a nice addition. Thank you! Sorting those columns would be a nice touch, too.
  11. Do you need a section of the log or the whole log? It's about 6MB.
  12. Hi! Yesterday I noticed that when walking up to the board I ended up outside of the wall and then on the ground level. I was not able to duplicate it after rejoining the server.
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