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SimRail Early Access


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  1. It's a shame, I think this would be a good alternative to a pure passenger mode where you don't have anything to do and it also has something to do with the railway job. I would still like to thank you for your answer. Looking forward to the next update. This could be prevented by adding a setting option so that other players cannot enter my cab. This would have to be installed in pure passenger mode anyway. But I can understand your concern.
  2. Hello, I read that there are plans for a passenger mode to come into the game. My suggestion would be to make it a playable train companion. The player could then ride on a passenger train and, for example, at train stations that coordinate the departure and signal to the train driver that the train is ready to depart and during the journey the train attendant checks people's train tickets or serves food from the on-board bistro. Train drivers and train attendants are in contact by telephone or in direct conversation. In addition, the train attendant has a whistle that the train driver can then hear.
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