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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Hey Guys, sorry for this question, but i searched everywhere on google and didn't really find an answer/still don't understand it, also sorry that i put this in offtopic but i couldn't place it elsewhere, i'm new to train sims. So, i found a forum where they put the signs and everything, but when i first started playing i saw that on the right of my screen there was written speed limit 20/30/50/70 etc... i thought it meant i could go only 30km/h 50 km/h 70km/h etc..., but as i fast realised it does not mean that, so i had the question, what do these things mean? how do i know which speed to go? i would like to learn this so i could brake in time and not lose many points, so that i can play this game as i should and that i can start to understand it, i played a lot of ETS2 because i love trucks and i love freight and cargo, and i started to also get interested in trains as it is very interesting, so i would like to ask if someone could tell me what these things mean and how i could know which speed to go and where i can see in time that it will change, or is it something i need to learn like that on some tracks its always the same speed etc? where could i learn? Thanks in advance, and sorry again for the question or for putting it in the wrong topic folder love you all guys!
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