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Everything posted by Maty556677

  1. 🇬🇧 TPV client version 1.2.0 News: 1. Added ability to reset password via email 2. Fixed tooltips in the route panel 3. Fixed displaying of RunID in client 4. Fixed errors when rendering trains in the route panel 5. Added WatchDog service on the server side to monitor the correct running of the main SimRail-TPV services 6. Other minor updates and bug fixes The app should update itself for the current users. 🇨🇿 TPV klient verze 1.2.0 Novinky 1. Přidána možnost resetovat heslo pomocí e-mailu 2. Opraveny tooltipy v traťovém panelu 3. Opraveno zobrazení RunID v klientovi 4. Opraveny chyby při vykreslování vlaků v traťovém panel 5. Na straně serveru přidána WatchDog služba hlídající správný běh hlavních SimRail-TPV služeb 6. Další drobné novinky a opravy chyb Aplikace by se měla stávajícím uživatelům aktualizovat sama.
  2. Also you can try this: https://forum.simrail.eu/topic/9072-tpv-train-position-system-application/
  3. That's awesome! Did you upload the printable models and the code somewhere? One day this might be useful for me!
  4. To be honest, I am not excited about Raildriver because it has an American style of controlling trains. If there was something like Raildriver, but with a more European layout, it would be more interesting for us.
  5. Hmm, well if you compare it to Dovetail Games, it's great price, if not, it's quite OK. But imagine you are completely new to train simulators, buy the game for 34 €... Now you don't know if you will play the game or not... It's not that crazy for me
  6. Well, my opinion here too. I'm not going to say if the game is under/overpriced, but I think developers should really set their goals and stick to them. That's the first point. The second point is that developers should first make the editor available (and focus 100% on developing the SDK). Now just do the Steam Workshop integration. After the SDK is released, the community would create their own routes. And that's the point - a lot of people say the game has no content for 34€. In the meantime, the developers would start adding Ty2, mechanical signal boxes, 1980 route, Kraków - Tunel, etc. But they decided to swap these 2 parts... I know that after the SDK release the game can't change its core, so they have to fix some issues before release, but if the devs had fixed these issues instead of developing (for example) the 1980 route, it would be much better for the game long-term.
  7. This is done by 3rd party site
  8. Yes, this one is the "old" program based on VirTracks.
  9. @Kaito Kid By previous version you mean that TPV from Vojta13135? If so, you are right, this TPV used VirTracks API, which doesn't exist anymore. On this TPV, we are using the official API
  10. And regarding of the extension to Czechia, I would love to do: Katowice - Chałupki - Bohumín, from Bohumín you can go to Praha via Olomouc, or you can go to Brno
  11. Hello, yes, most of the vehicles exist in RailWorks. There are some vehicles that aren't in RW, like Inter/Regiopanters, 363.5, 37X and sysel, but most of them (and lots more) are created. Also, many czech routes are created, for example Olomouc - Česká Třebová, Brno - Praha via Česká Třebová or Havlíčkův Brod, Praha - Tábor and many routes in the Pardubice region. Currently in SimRail, there will be ČD 162 DLC, because these locomotives sometimes go to Poland also.
  12. Ahoj, bohužel se tyto situace stávají, sám je ale hráč téměř nikdy nedokáže vyřešit, protože VD (virtuální dispečer) si prostě jede po svém. Ideální řešení je, že napíšeš na český Discord ( https://discord.gg/DHjJmM2yvD ) a pravděpodobně ti někdo pomůže. Řeší se to potom tak, že jeden hráč je ve vlaku a druhý rozsvítí přivolávačku vzadu, vlak se vysune před hlavní návěstidlo a potom se normálně pokračuje, to je první možnost. Druhá možnost je, že moderátoři vlak rovnou smažou.
  13. Yes please. We already have this on the ET25.
  14. Something is wrong, but it's hard to say what... 😄
  15. Developers in the Q&A said: The support of external controllers has been in place for some time, but needs to be documented and secured, and we plan to address this in the near future.
  16. 🇬🇧 TPV client version 1.1.2 News: 1. Fixed application crashes during (short) internet outage 2. Checking allowed username characters for new users 3. Modified login to the server 4. Minor bug fixes The app should update itself for the current users 🇨🇿 TPV klient verze 1.1.2 Novinky: 1. Opraveny pády aplikace při (krátkodobém) výpadku internetu 2. Kontrola povolených znaků uživatelského jména u nových uživatelů 3. Úprava přihlašování k serveru 4. Opravy drobných chyb Aplikace by se měla stávajícím uživatelům aktualizovat sama
  17. TPV klient verze 1.1.1 Novinky: 1. Zobrazení nástupiště a koleje v okně detailu vlaku 2. Oprava zoomování osy stanic 3. V přihlašovacím okně seřazeny servery podle abecedy 4. Oprava chyby, kdy aplikace nemůže být aktualizována z důvodu rozdílné verze serveru 5. Opravy dalších drobných chyb ⚠️ Aplikace musí být na tuto verzi aktualizována ručně ⚠️ TPV client version 1.1.1 News: 1. Platform and track displayed in the train detail window 2. Fixed stations axis zooming 3. Alphabetized servers in the login window 4. Fixed a bug where the application could not be updated due to a different server version 5. Fixed other minor bugs ⚠️ Application must be manually updated to this version ⚠️
  18. The English server has been switched from EN1 to EN2 until SimKol fixes it.
  19. @Deadlost We will have a look at it 🙂
  20. Hello, I would be happy if there was a detailed tutorial on braking the train in the game. I'm not concerned with when to start braking before a station to stop there effectively, but some players might want to know what a self-acting, locomotive, electrodynamic, spring brake is. Also, how the main lines work, sump pressure, etc. It would be good if the tutorial explained all of this, and players could test for themselves how the pressure in the main pipe behaves when braking with the self-acting brake, how much it brakes with the electrodynamic... Also, the tutorial could give information about how, for example, the electrodynamic brake is used to brake a train on a downhill gradient. Then, for example, that the self-acting brake should not be used for a long time, but only to brake intensively for a while, and then release the brake. Also the brakes should be released slowly when stopping at a station... I think some players would like to see this tutorial in the game 🙂
  21. Oh, I see. Sorry for the confusion.
  22. Hi, I'd like to have Elf units in the game like this: - Control wagon - 4x normal inserted wagon - control wagon I've seen quite a few Elf like this in Poland. Photo from Vítek Scheffczik
  23. 🇬🇧 TPV client version 1.0.3 Notes: 1. Fixed device recognition error for some users 2. Fix for some night trains not being displayed 3. Changed archive service settings 4. Option to display driver history 5. Other minor bug fixes The app should update itself for the current users. 🇨🇿 TPV klient verze 1.0.3 Novinky: 1. Oprava chyby rozpoznání zařízení u některých uživatelů 2. Oprava zobrazování některých nočních vlaků 3. Změna nastavení archivační služby 4. Možnost zobrazení historie strojvedoucích 5. Další drobné opravy chyb Aplikace by se měla stávajícím uživatelům aktualizovat sama.
  24. Thanks, and the info passed!
  25. 🇬🇧 TPV client version 1.0.2 Fixes: 1. Correction of incorrectly indicated disapproval of train running 2. Correction of automatic application updates 3. Other minor bugs fix The app should update itself for the current users 🇨🇿 TPV klient verze 1.0.2 Novinky: 1. Oprava nesprávně indikovaného nesouhlasu s jízdou vlaku 2. Oprava automatických aktualizací aplikace 3. Opravy dalších drobných chyb Aplikace by se měla stávajícím uživatelům aktualizovat sama
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