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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Please tell me, where is the text written that appears in user script chats? I want to translate them into my (RUS) language.
  2. The attendant may enjoy it, but the driver, from a 10-minute downtime at the entrance traffic light, is unlikely.
  3. Greetings! Is it possible to adjust the schedules for trains 13253 and 31250? They have a simultaneous stop at the Opoczno Poludnie station, and there is only one platform.
  4. Please tell me how to receive and depart trains from Slavkov? How to close a move if required? Proszę mi powiedzieć, jak odbierać i odjeżdżać pociągi ze Slavkowa? Jak zamknąć ruch, jeśli jest to wymagane?
  5. After the update, all scripts give an error. Wait for them to be adapted to the new version of the game.
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