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Everything posted by P.Wiśnia

  1. Update (17.12.2024): Interactive map: changes in train categories and addition of new categories (EX, POSP, OSOB, TOWI, TOW, SŁUŻ) appearance changes in the train preview missing translations added some optimization EDR: changes in train categories and addition of new categories (EX, POSP, OSOB, TOWI, TOW, SŁUŻ) missing translations added some optimization EDR+: changes in train categories and addition of new categories (EX, POSP, OSOB, TOWI, TOW, SŁUŻ) added display what player or bot drives the train missing translations added some optimization List of trains: changes in train categories and addition of new categories (EX, POSP, OSOB, TOWI, TOW, SŁUŻ) added new "name" category images optimization language system optimization missing translations added Free trains: changes in train categories and addition of new categories (EX, POSP, OSOB, TOWI, TOW, SŁUŻ) added new "name" category fix displaying specyfic train number (e.g. ED250-009)
  2. Status serwerów w API nie działa prawidłowo. Nie aktualizuje się, pomimo wyłączonego serwera sekcja IsActive wyświetla true.
  3. Dalsza część błędów w API, dotycząca nastawni 1. Część nastawni niema przypisanego obrazka lub obrazek cctv. 2. Występują problemy z aktualizacją statusu nastawni. 3. Minimalne przesunięcia koordynatów nastawni względem faktycznego położenia.
  4. Po raz kolejny wysyłam temat związany z błędami w API/RJ ponieważ poprzedni został usunięty. Moim zdaniem wszystko jest związane z 1 błędem(rozkładem) przez co wysyłam błędy w 1 wątku. 1. Część pociągów niema przypisanej lokomotywy/ezt. Głównie ED250 w EIP. 2. Rozkłady jazdy są błędne przez co niektóre kursy wyświetlają się jako trwające ponad 23 godziny. 3. Część typów pociągów jest błędna, lub pola są puste.
  5. Update (13.05.2024): Interactive map: added trains tip color basics on train type added trains route display when click on train added more info to train (velocity, next semaphore, driver profile url) added more info (line numbers, vmax on tracks, unplayable signalboxes display, real life signalboxes display) added description below map added dispatcher url link fix tip position when train move fix darkmode layout version EDR & EDR+: added colors to trains type (different type = different color) added display of trains that have already left the signalbox region added color to delay (red when plus, blue then minus) added selectable train display when you click train on the map (only EDR+) added center map on signalbox (only EDR+) change number of displayed trains from 16 to 60 change stop time display when train is not stoping from "0" to " " fix problem when train disappear in EDR to fast fix data display on CN1 and DE4 servers Free trains: added colors to trains type (different type = different color added what locomotive the train have List of trains: added colors to trains type (different type = different color fix travel time display Train info: added timeline display timetable fix timetable display order Signalbox info: added more images (with swiper) added more info Check user: fix problem with display user drive kilometers add rounding to values style update Users ranking: first 3 places now have crowns, not numbers add rounding to values style update
  6. Update (07.05.2024): added traffic dispatcher support plus (edr+)(edr & interactive map) added pretty url added more info to edr & edr+ (delay, coloring train types) player ranking rework translation fixes (cn,de) website optimization increase SEO
  7. Update (05.05.2024): added interactive server map added multi language support added ranking of the most active players added new data to the database tables have been optimized, reducing loading time
  8. @Jamzz Dzięki za informacje strona jest na bieżąco aktualizowana i poprawnia. v-max E186 poprawiony poprawiona nazwa wskaznika W22 przy W3 nie stwierdziłem nieprawidłowości
  9. SimRail-Info One Page to rule them all, One Page to find them, One Page to bring them all and in the darkness bind them Link: https://simrail.pwisnia.pl/?lang=en The site offers: knowledge base about the simrail simulator (list of trains with timetables, list of signalboxes and list of vehicles) simrail server status list of available trains and signalboxes on specific server player information search engine (you can easily check basic informations) ranking of the most active players traffic dispatcher support (electronic dispatcher timetables) interactive server map (with some features) Plans for further development: business timetable generator search engine with a database of scenarios helper for scenario creators railway regulations & instructions in other languages
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