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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Hi eveyone, to update to the stable version I completely deleted the Alfa version and then reinstalled Rain Sim from scratch. Obviously my account was recognized as well as my level position (103), but I don't see the new route or the trains that run on it in Multi. In single player instead everything is ok, even if I start a scenario there and shortly after I find the first signal on Red and it remains Red even after 10 minutes. In multiplayer instead I see and can play all the available stations. is it a bug? do I have to replay the tutorials? Thanks and compliments to the developers for the new splendid version of Rail Sim
  2. Ohhh, finalmente si inizia a muovere qualcosa anche da noi. Bravi^...spero di partecipare anch'io. Sim Rail merita molta più visibilità da noi rispetto adesso.
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