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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Soweit ich weiß nicht. Dadurch entstehen gerne mal solche Situationen:
  2. Communication in Poland is done by analog Radio. That you are suggesting is the GSM-R... Maybe on a later Stage SimKol will add the function to Simrail, if there will be a route in an country using GSM-R 🧐
  3. After todays Update, they removed the Section with the Carriage Number
  4. Same on my Side... After changing the files, i can't hear any Announcements. So i take my "Copy" and rename it correctly -> also nothing. Deleting the Files and verify by Steam, i hear again the annoucements... but again in english -.-
  5. @Gazz292 This is what i'm doing exactly since the Playtest. Changing the DE.Lang with the content from PL.Lang But after the last Update, i experienced, that if im driving with GameLanguage in German on an German Server (without changing the .Lang files, because they got overwritten and i forget to change it back), I was hearing English annoucements. Then i was doing Trick 17 as you suggested and how i was doing it everytime... since then i have no annoucements anymore 🧐
  6. I'm hearing English annoucements on DE-Server? Is it possible to select the language of the Annoucements? I want to hear the annoucement in the language of the country i drive...
  7. Thank you so much! I just playing around with the scenariofiles ->
  8. Its not booring, but the fact, that both TLK dont has any stops on the route to Kielce and Skarżysko Kamienna are boring 😄 Sosnowiec Poludniwoy was cancelt... maybe adding some stations to the Trains like Poludniowy back as Passenger Stop and maybe Dabrowa Wschodnia Wolbrom and Kozlow?
  9. I like this Idea! there can also an IC added from Krakow to Warszawa with EP/EU07, so you will have on the CMK EP07, Traxx and Pendolino running. This means more traffic on the CMK between Psary and Warsaw, which means more work for the dispatchers.
  10. EU07/EP07 is challenging. There is no automatic driving and braking control as in the Traxx trains or Dragon. I also enjoy it extensively and it is the most used train of mine 😄 Should be just a suggestion to max out the speed on the Line 4... If we had a EP09, there should be no Problem to reach out the 160.. But to drive on an "Highspeedline" with a Trackspeed of 200, but only drive an EC with 125 feels wrong 😄 Also Przewozy Regionalne was using a few Traxx from Railpool? But a few Traxx was used... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqGrYOmP-IE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT9CJ_cwbmU
  11. Hello, to make the traffic for the TLK/IC trains a bit more interesting, you could add the E186 to the IC trains. Example: Since the E186 is sometimes seen in front of EN trains, you could create an IC (not EC or TLK) that spawns like the EIP from Krakow and then runs the same route to Warsaw Wschodnia with IC cars. This way you have an IC that can travel faster than 125 km/h and thus a new train type is added. Stops can be: Włoszczowa Północ, Opoczno Południe, Warszawa Zachodnia, Warszawa Centralna, Warszawa Wschodnia
  12. Currently INOP, but will be added on a later stage?
  13. Hello, will be ETCS be implented into SimRail? It was part of an annoucement in the past, but can't see it anymore on the roadmap?
  14. Hello, i noticed that the Station Announcement will only be played in the language that its set to the game, for example english Language plays English Announcement... However, if you have set up the German language or other language expect from polish and english, you will no hear of annoucement. My Suggestion is, that the annoucement will be only played in the language that are used in the country where the route is located. Or BiLingual Annoucement for EC/International Trains. This will be also a plus for the immersion in my eyes. Or at least an Option in the Settings, where we can choose the Language "Track Language", "Game Language", "Other Language.
  15. With Dabrowa Gorniza Zabkowice i got the same traffic jam yesterday, but from one moment to the other, the AI Dispatcher got it handled.. Sometimes it helps jump to the train that may be not driving and everything start again working.
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