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Michael Rotchburns

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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. There is a similar topic in the multiplayer section -- However, I am posting here because it is a bug report, not something strictly related to multiplayer. I also am operating on ultra settings for Lighting. Warszawa Centralna https://gyazo.com/5180455003914b9aa85bf9723cd3e2c5 https://gyazo.com/45998e7ab7915acd59c72b36d3089786 Any particle emitters along the trackside: https://gyazo.com/1d34c4be536fbb40030b69bc3d862b59
  2. +1 On this. Dark Mode button would be absolutely king
  3. I would follow up when quick hiding all HUD with G, the fade should not be there. Either that or if you can quick hide HUD when using steam screenshot key (F12).
  4. Hello, Train Operated: 14101 Warsaw to Bohumin Locomotive: EP07 Coaching Stock: UIC Standard Situation: Train seperated at Lazy @ 0335 while operating at track speed on Track 1. Was not able to recover the air, interact with couplings or air hoses to remedy. Compressor overloaded and could not reset. A prior service operated through the same points resulted in a train derailment. Though I do not have the log of this one. Regards, Anthony Wood
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