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SimRail Early Access


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  1. I can't say anything about that yet, I've only been to GLowny station. Later I drive with train the complete routes. I have sent you a coffee.
  2. My answer of the question: I stood at the blue signal until the departure time in K_Glowny and longer. Thanks for the help. i will try it Jörg Many thanks for the update, it works now and they speak, bevor i read it only in chat. I must drive fast backward to K_glowny to be in time on plattform in station. How can i buy you a coffee? Jörg
  3. Hello, I wanted to play the scenario Krakow Suwalky. I got on the train, put it in reverse and pressed "ZEW 3". I then reversed with 6 to signal "Tm 211", signal remained blue, now standing 20m in front of it. What's wrong? I still have 1.77km to Glowny Thanks for the help Jörg
  4. The scenario is working well. What I liked was travelling on the opposite track with the goods train. Then between the two trains back to the right-hand side. Arrived in Katowice on time. I just couldn't get channel 9 into the radio, neither via the buttons on the radio nor with other buttons. Where is the problem, with me or in the scenario? Thanks for help Jörg
  5. Which radio channel should I use, it is set to 5 and when I press ZEW 3 nothing happens.
  6. Hello, I have downloaded and looked at your scenario because I am also interested in LUA. I like such small scenarios. Are there any templates on how to create such a small ride? Thanks Jörg
  7. Yes, forward is engaged, it also rolls forward, it just can't switch on any power although power is present, I can see this in the display on the console
  8. I'm still standing in front of Katowitze station and can't get any power. Everything is on like battery, lights and it works, the train even rolls backwards when I release the brakes. The small shunting signal is also on. I no longer know where the problem is. Joerg
  9. How can I change trains or locomotives in F8 ? Thanks for the answer Joerg
  10. I'm standing outside Katowice with the train and can't get on, the time is just 6 o'clock. Should already be in the station at this time but the first signal is red, I also reported this to the dispatcher. What am I doing wrong or where is the problem? Thanks for the help Joerg
  11. i read, the .json ist the Problem?
  12. Hello, I wanted to drive your scenario but I can't get going, main line is always at zero, spring core released. Where is the problem Thanks for help? Joerg
  13. Wollte gerade Zug 132029 bestätigen, stand ja vor mir, da sagt das System "Zug ist zuweit entfernt" siehe Screenshot Wer weis warum das nicht geht? Danke für die Info Jörg
  14. In Slawkow, there is a relay signal box to operate however, the preview shows a computerised interlocking. Is that supposed to be the case or is that not correct? In Slawkow ist ein Relaisstellwerk zu bedienen, auf dem Vorschaubild ist aber ein Computerstellwerk zu sehen.
  15. Ich hatte nur gedacht, das der EU5 nicht für Lokführer freigegen ist, nur FDL + Bots für die Züge
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