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  1. Similar to many other games I think it would be wise to possibly have an automated way of kicking players who are AFK for more than around 5 minutes, that way people can't just disappear for long periods of time? I applaud the developers for implementing the AI takeover from red signals if a driver doesn't move, that's a really good idea.
  2. A mute function would also be beneficial as I've already come across some toxic users and the full release isn't here yet.
  3. It'd be good if there was gradient data shown on the HUD and a gradient profile available so we can learn where the ascent/descents on the route are. Thanks!
  4. Are there plans to have private servers upon full release? I am sure there are lots of communities (I'm a part of one) that would love to run their own events on Simrail when the game fully launches, but not having control of a private server will prevent these from taking place. Of course these would preferably be free, but I'm sure some people would pay to rent server space if it was deemed necessary? Thanks. Really enjoying the playtest so far.
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