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Everything posted by vSumpi

  1. But there is already an API for multiplayer, so I think a server is running too in localhost or smth... 😄 I can get some analytics tool on my pc if that the case, but I rather not have to mess with these things.
  2. Dear SimRail Team, I am currently working on a project that integrates a part of the Hungarian EVM-120 train control system with your game. So far, I have successfully developed a GUI desktop application using Python (PyQt5), which includes: Server and train selection Real-time signal tracking Displaying the next signal Integration with an Arduino-powered dot matrix display that updates using values from the server API This works well in multiplayer mode, where I can retrieve data via the available API. However, I would like to extend this functionality to all single-player missions as well. Could you provide any information on whether the game runs a local server or exposes an API endpoint in single-player mode? If not, is there any way I could access train and signal data from the game, such as through logs, memory, or a modding interface? If an official API is not available, would you be open to discussing possible implementation options? gheypo.mp4
  3. Hi I've got no knowledge of Polish language so I will write in English 😄 This code will set the train as "deactivated / cold" (AI will not move): PlayerTrainset.SetState(DynamicState.dsCold, TrainsetState.tsDeactivation, true) This code will set the train as "stopped" (AI will not move): PlayerTrainset.SetState(DynamicState.dsStop, TrainsetState.tsActivation, true) This code will set the train as "stopped, but in drive position" (AI will not move): PlayerTrainset.SetState(DynamicState.dsStop, TrainsetState.tsTrain, true) This code will set the train as "normal drive" (for ET22 and EN57 AccSlow and AccFast has differences): PlayerTrainset.SetState(DynamicState.dcAccFast, TrainsetState.tsTrain, true) This code will set the train as "drive in shunting mode": PlayerTrainset.SetState(DynamicState.dsAccFast, TrainsetState.tsShunting, true) Hope this helps! 😄
  4. In my Scenario if you join the EU07 to the Traxx there is a chance to be an issue with the radio and you can use it anymore. I had this issue once, but forget to save the log this was sent trough one of the players who is tested my scenario. It happens about 1/10 start. Maybe the player doing something wrong, if yes what? We found out it is not only the traxx, it is any vehicle. Further inspections showed if the 2nd vehicle is not operated correctly (join, battery, passive, brakes) than it can brake the first locos radio. Also it seems to be the coupling sometimes is bad(?) Somehow the traxx happened to be the 6th vehicle. So `Traxx - EU07 - Pwagon - Pwagon - Pwagon -Pwagon` Shows: `EU07 - Pwagon - Pwagon - Pwagon -Pwagon - Traxx` SimRail_log_2024-06-08_16-04-09.txt
  5. Traxx has a different set of switch that controlling the cabin lights so the turn on or off does not set the cabin lights just, the paper light!
  6. Please implement this! It's a great idea.
  7. Zawierce has some problems with Signal labeling and Sz signal switch. So Sz switches(pic1) you can see that the order is H4-H2-H1-H3... But in the panel it labeled as H4-G2-G1-H3... Zawierce Sz switches Zawierce "Domino" panel
  8. Heyo, Here I propose my idea to make Discord RPC(A.K.A. Activity) to be bond together with the route. As the API already knows the player Route/Vehicle/Position it might be a good idea to implement to the game/Discord. Now: Playing SimRail - The Railway Simulator for x hours After idea: SimRail Train Driver EN1 EIJ - EIP 1429 SimRail Dispatcher PL2 Będzin
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