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Everything posted by Jason35

  1. Would also be a cool idea to add a door with a toilets sign on it. When you click you have around 5 minutes where the AI can take over while you go to bathroom IRL
  2. Mais ça n'est pas réaliste
  3. I think we're doing a good job with the SGCS server. We're open to any suggestions for improvements. We recently had a member of the team joining but it does not mean we're not independant. They don't ask us to say or remove anything. At least that means that SR team is considering that the server is valuable for them to join it no ? You can join here discord.gg/XgJpXpG2Eu (permanent invite that you can share)
  4. They were in dutch language, so that's probably why 😄
  5. Also, Isn't the branch at Psary missing ?
  6. I invite you to delete this post to post it in the correct place. Here's Frech section.
  7. Just above in this same post : http://api1.aws.simrail.eu:8090/?station=Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia
  8. We definetly need a reputation system for dispatchers... Since the release I experienced a lot of wrong stuff from new dispatchers (both as driver & dispatcher myself).
  9. Weird, never happened to me so far
  10. That's basically a passenger mode, and they said it was not plan iirc
  11. Did you open your doors ?
  12. When driving, sometimes servers restart or you lost connection for unknown reason. When this happens the summary of the trip appears with duration, kilometers driven and XP recieved. BUT, when you join back, your level will be the same as before (as usually you gain several level for 1 trip completed)
  13. Can confirm that I have this bug as well.
  14. With 220hrs of play time, I can say that I really enjoyed this playtest. Spend a lot of time learning dispatching and found it very interesting even if it's very frustrating to not being able the station you want most of the time because there's not enough of them. Can't wait for the EA, the new trains, and hopefully many more dispatch stations opennings !
  15. Without any communication, it won't be out today most likely
  16. Doesn't sounds good. At least for the MP we had a message a few hours before. Here, nothing...
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