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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Thanks for the info- During the tutorial I noticed I often do not have a clue that I pass a point where I should have stopped & getting -1000 penalty points cause of it. I guess it's a "me problem" for not knowing the signs at all-extra pop-ups might be too much hand holding-Though maybe it wouldn't hurt for the tutorial only that the signs are explained more in detailed-zoomed into them when you approach them where the game goes on pause explaining the signs,...
  2. Yea for the Hud there certainly is some room for improvement-The game is very promising -Some small quality of life improvements like this might just do the thing.
  3. Only played tutorial so far- Thought I needed to report the missing hud during the tutorial as a bug at first but read you can toggle it on off with G? In any case,also in the tutorial ;It is unclear when all passengers have boarded - So maybe a train conductor blowning the whistle to signal you can close doors would be good or some other indication yesh Maybe train conductor could be another interesting role for players in multiplayer ,come to think of it -2 players managing the passenger train-could be nice with friends
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