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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. I like it. I will try it today. I especially dislike angular trolleys.
  2. Hello, I would like to apologize in advance for my English, I use Google Translate. What I miss most about the game is the cabin physics simulation. It's like I'm riding a flat table. On curves, the train has to push it out of the curve, on crossings and bridges it has to swing, because these objects are hard compared to the rest of the gravel track. The same applies to switches, when I drive in a turning direction, there is a big shock. When I drive a Pendolino and drive 200kph, nothing happens even on a straight route, I doubt that all the tracks in Poland are so well paved. 🙂 I would like to ask the developers if they plan to implement this feature. It would change the driving experience and I think I'm not alone in missing this thing. Thanks for the reply.
  3. I have the same thing, plus I have a huge drop in FPS, I have an RTX 4070Ti, I have my graphics settings on Ultra, when I change the light setting to High, I get ~80 FPS, when I switch to Ultra, I get ~30 FPS. I play on 4k.
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