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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Recently AI is acting strange regarding train priority. Example: Yesterday (27.02.2025) on DE1 Idzikowice AI sent 132073 through on the main track and 1329 and 1415 that are supposed to overtake there had to wait. 132073 and 1329 where on time and 132073 has a scheduled pt there. To add to misery AI set the exit for 132073 with sz. Also at the same time AI was swapping trains 4512 and 3128 on the main track in Idzikowice, wich added delay for both trains.
  2. Right now there are premade points to check to report a player, but you also have to enter a text, wich does not make much sense to me. I heard it was made this way because of report spamming. But in this case just make a timer for next report, 60s or so. Also some kind of Feedback would be nice, like did someone read my report/acted on it. Right now you don´t even know if it got sent or not, maybe also a reason people "spam" reports.
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