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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Hello Do you know if it's possible to add a driver in the front view of the train?
  2. hello this is the logs file Same thing on this trains the radio stays on channel 5 SimRail_log_2023-03-13_17-58-18.txt
  3. Hello Since 4days ago, I can't' change the radio channels My micro doesn't start with the game. My computer is ok for using the micro...But in the game, I can't use the micro DO you know why?? thnaks a lot
  4. today it's corrected....
  5. hello!! Since the last update, I 've got a slight problem on my search bar when I need to choose a server The color font is black as the color search bar.. I need to highlit the text Somebody else with this function? Have a nice day
  6. hello this morning , every thing is OK on this part. I do not know why. Have a nice day
  7. hello sorry for the duplicate
  8. sorry for the duplicate
  9. Hello in the tunnels of WARSAWA.. You can't turn on the dashboard lights ON
  10. the same tonight...On FR1 And I can't use the mouse button toa ctivate the micro SNIFF😥
  11. the emergency brakes doesn't work properly
  12. Hello I used emergency brakes...But nothing apperar in the right bottom corner about intensity. do you know why? and the train restart alone at top speed
  13. a litlle video
  14. after AI takes over the train, I still find myself with the brake that I can not release
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