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SimRail Early Access

Azrael last won the day on May 22 2024

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  1. Will there be a website application instead of a Download, like we have with e.g. the different maps that exist?
  2. Well, people PLAY this GAME for enjoyment, no matter what some people individually believe. It is the individual freedom of everyone to play it for whatever motivation they like. "IRL there is no setting of range" is no argument. IRL you also got no constantly flying cameras around the train, yet here they are. IRL as dispatcher you can't freely choose another signal box every day. IRL you can't quit your service freely, when you had enough. Heck, IRL you don't have a freaking HUD hovering before you, showing you information, you gotta figure that out yourself. This could go on and on. Hence, this is a game, because this program makes several compromises for the sake of enjoyment of its players. Every game does that to a certain degree, no matter the genre. And socializing is part of a multiplayer game. So I don't see the possibility, to set a radio range as such a huge, game-breaking feature, that it should be vehemently opposed. it is optional, if you don't want to use it, don't use it. If you want to use it, you would have then the possibility to do so. So if the devs would implement this, it wouldn't impact the gameplay of anyone negatively.
  3. I can't understand this negative reaction, on DE1 I never heard anyone complain when I greet players back over voice in less populated areas and I never heard them complain when others greeted back. More so, this suggestion would make it just smoother for those who want to use the voice chat for that reason. For those, who want to be totally strict and don't want to use voice chat for that, it wouldn't change a thing for them, if this would be implemented.
  4. Well, this is a game, a short greeting can't hurt, it's just that it is not necessary for all players within like 15 km to hear it. People tend to do a lil socializing in games. Let them.
  5. So at the very least on DE1 (I guess on other servers too?) we usually have train drivers greeting dispatchers and other trains with their macrophone. While the train drivers can simply greet back with their macrophone, dispatchers usually greet back via the radio voice chat. The problem is, radio range is fixed to several kilometers. So when you greet every train in a highly populated area like the Katowice-Sosnowiec-Dabrowa Gornicza Area or from DGZ to Zawierce, several dozen players are about to hear greetings from every dispatcher there. A rather easy solution for that problem would be, if dispatchers and train drivers could adjust their radio range, these could be fixed 1 km steps down to minimum 1 km and it would only affect the sender. So if you as dispatcher have set it to 1 km and a train 8 km away contacts you via radio, you still hear it. It would be nice, if there would be a visible, adjustable turning button or slider on the radio models ingame, but it would also be fine, if it would be in the HUD.
  6. A little idea came to my mind, since ZEW 1 and ZEW 3 do nothing at all right now in MP, how we could change that at least for ZEW 3. Everyone knows the situation, you drive a slower train, you get pulled out on the side track by an AI dispatcher and without the use of external tools (or looking at the TAB screen) you would have no idea, how many trains the AI dispatcher intends to let it overtake you, what trains, how far they're out approximately and so on. So how about this: When we press ZEW 3 while standing in front of a red signal in an AI dispatched signalbox, the AI Dispatcher gives us a status update in the chat. Just an example, that I currently have on screen and how that could look like: The player is driving 14141 and the AI dispatcher in Szeligi pulls you out, so the Pendolino 1641 can overtake you there. As soon as the player stops in front of e.g. Signal S in the station, he presses ZEW 3. That player in 14141 gets a personal message from the AI dispatcher in his chat like "Train 14141, you're being overtaken by train/trains 1641, <Insert additional train numbers if more overtake it>. Approximate waiting time: X minutes." (PS: If it eases calculation burden, the approximate waiting time could just be based on the timetable, so the AI doesn't actually calculate a waiting time here.) So basically the AI is just giving a status update based on it's dispatching logic, the ZEW 3 wouldn't influence the AI dispatcher decision itself here.
      • 19
      • I agree
  7. I wouldn't like to see the passengers transformed into some 2D Mesh, they should stay 3D and moving around, that is actually a pretty important part of making the world feel alive. But besides that I agree, they need improvements. Gathering near the Holding Area for a Train, taking the closest door... I mean just look at what IRL passengers do and copy that, we're not reinventing the wheel here.
  8. Honestly, the whole "The routes present are based on what they were in 2018"-argument kind of went out of the window, when they changed the track from Dorota to Juliusz to be at 100 km/h and updated it visually, to represent the state of how it was, afaik, in 2021, when one track, the mentioned track, was repaired while the other from Juliusz to Dorota was still in disrepair. One has to be consequential in their decisions imho, meaning that track shouldn't have been updated, because people kept crying about the slow speed there. This way they opened Pandora's Box. And yeah, updating the route to either 2024 or, if currently several Warsaw stations get renovated, 2025 or 2026 standard one day is certainly no small undertaking and a separate map basically. I can fully understand that this is a low priority currently behind other route extensions like Warsaw - Lodz and Warsaw - Krakow.
  9. Yeah I never saw your train, like you were partially desynced, if you saw me but I didn't see you and the train.
  10. I can confirm it from Dispatcher side. I saw Blacky today on DE1 trying to drive 443953 while I was dispatching in DGHK. On the HUD his train had a speed of 36 km/h but his train wasn't moving a meter according to the HUD and the map, the distance to the next signal stayed the same. That only changed when he disconnected and the Bot took over.
  11. I'd sometimes like to hear the outside world, the birds chirp, the wind moving and the train passing by or just the rain drops. And, no offense, I don't like the curtains in the new dispatcher stations on the side track to Sedsiszow, I'd like to move them to get a better sight on the trains without the need to kiss the windows 😄
  12. Hello, today I played in Kazimierz and following things came to my attention while being at it: 1) Scenery Cars are stopping right behind the Dispatcher Hut and despawning there, unless you look at them when outside. It is a bit odd, maybe check the routing of the cars there to fix that behaviour. 2) When you look at the two railroad crossings towards Dandowka through the CCTV cameras, never are there cars, wondering, why you should go through the hazzle of opening them at all if you can just leave them closed permanently. When you go on foot there however (or by locomotive if you're a train driver), there are cars waiting. I assume that either the game doesn't spawn scenery cars beyond a certain distance or that the two CCTV cameras watching these railroad crossing are bugged and just not showing them. That is not a problem for the railroad crossing towards Strzemieszyce, probably because that one is a lot closer to the dispatcher hut I guess? 3) The most major bug that came to my attention are the AI neighbors in Dandowka and Strzemieszyce. Some times, when they got trains coming from opposite directions, you ask them, if you can send your train (Train A), they acknowledge and allow you to send Train A and a second later they ask you, if they can send Train B to you. So the AI's in both neighbors are not recognizing, that they just allowed you to send Train A to them and that therefore the rail is blocked at the moment. I always then answered via the telephone at them, that the route is blocked or that I got the allowance to send a certain train, out of fear that the AI would bug out, if I don't answer their request at all. But that is tedious if that could be solved by the AI just remembering, that they just allowed me to send a train and so to ask me to send a train from them to me on the same, blocked track, that this request doesn't make sense and therefore it shouldn't ask me in the first place in that situation. Server: DE1 Build: 21.04.2024 - 14:12
  13. Da mach ich doch gerne als FDL mit!
  14. Sehr spaßiges Event mein Eindruck. Die Güterzüge standen natürlich ne ganze Weile, aber wer nen GZ in so einer Störung nimmt, muss wissen, worauf er sich einlässt 😄 Ich hab den Eindruck, dass, neben Update, die Leute auf ein solches Event, das Abwechslung bringt, geradezu gewartet haben, gerne mehr Events in der Zukunft!
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