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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Leaving Warsaw I spottet an office building where I wnet to a gym few times!
  2. W sytuacji kiedy jeszcze nie ma samouczka dla dyżurnego to (imo) bardzo dobry i prosty pomysł, żebyśmy mogli "poznęcać" się nad botami i nie wnerwiać graczy jak się uczymy.
  3. I can only add +100 to this, most train games put emphasis on loading/unloading passengers, bur rarely cargo. Fingers crossed its something saved for past early access.
  4. Some sort of "drive by/track side" view would also be nice!
  5. Playing in SP mode, all settings set to maximum. Mid session the part o the radio is no longer rendered (screenshot attached):
  6. First of all congrats on the smooth release, I had a blast yesterday playing with no tech issues whatsoever. Been waiting for your game since the first announcement and I'm very happy with it so far. That being said, there is one thing that is a bit disappointing that it did not made in to early access - making your own quick drive scenarios. Right now if I want to jump in and experience driving at night I need to go in the MP at specific real life time since in game clock is tide to RL time. Some players play only night MP due to time zones and I think it would be great if you were able to quickly make SP timetables of our choosing. Pick the time, location, weather and train. I know you guys are busy working on the game and this is not me being upset or anything like that, but I saw lots of folks asking about "quick drive" scenarios, so just letting you know how I feel about this feature and that it would be great if we could have it in early access at some point. Thanks again for the great sim, I can see SimRail being a hit on the market!
  7. Make sure that You are using Radio Power button and NOT the "Radiostop" one.
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