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Everything posted by NadaCAT

  1. I bought this game the week early access launched to the public because of two reasons 1: I love trains 2: I hate Dovetail When I first played, I thought a project by a smaller studio, may could free us all train enjoyers from having to pass thought Dovetail or having to use hilarious outdated sims, a sim with expectations to develop and evolve. We. Don't. Have. A. Freaking. Save. Button. And it's in V1.0, ok
  2. Yesterday, this game came out as a "complete game", a meaningless lie, not even a changelog link was provided on the post. The game is, in fact, not completed, not even close to be, in things that were promised, in optimization, bugs and in broken promises. A post by steam user, "HYPER ", explains the matter in a more specific way. By "HYPER", 14/12/2024 13:00: "Did you forget about their road map from beginning of the year (2024) "1st anniversary road map"? Didn't you? Before you read anything below and just respond with "oh you are a hater", "haters gonna hate", etc. I'm watching this game since it was in production/before playtests. I was a playtester of this game. This game hasn't had any major updates since playtests. ED250 was already in game. Ty2 too. But they were locked. “Changing files” and sharing screenshots of them or sharing ways to unlock them was rewarded by banning people. However, it's the developers' fault for not removing them from the game's files or blocking them in such a way that they wouldn't be spawn. The main gameplay changes since playtests are: - Kind of better optimization/update to a newer graphics engine - Seasons - Unlocked full route to Warszawa (but it has been done before, so they only limited the map for the playtests) - Tunel - Kraków route - Some additional signal boxes, which should be on release (No Kraków signal box on "complete game"/full game release is crazy [aka ironic]. Nothing new. Sadly.) - They were releasing this game in a hurry, but money blinded them. So now they want to milk everybody from their money. - ET22 with "cargo" pack - ETCS(?) If could be called "major gameplay change"... I don't recall anything else that would change the gameplay for the better. With each update this game gets more bugs than it had before. Releasing a "full game" with bugged Kraków Główny station and what I mean by snow under roof is not a funny joke. They are redoing their mistakes with each "update". The same problem was in Katowice when they released the seasons update... It looks like they don't have enough testers, if they had any at all. 1-3 months: - Where's the LUA mission editor with AI trains? - Should shunting operations be limited to a singleplayer mode in the "complete game"? - No possibility to save the game (checkpoints)? - Congratulations! You have added Tunel - Kraków route after 11 ♥♥♥♥ months (promised 1-3... well, maybe 6... BUT AFTER ALMOST A YEAR AFTER CREATION OF THE ROAD MAP?) - Ty2 (BR52) the same as above... - Cars liveries from 80's - the same as above... (also no licensed pkp intercity [major polish railway company] liveries in the "complete game" xD) - ETCS system - the only thing that was promised in 1-3 months and it was done (let's skip the bugs for now...) - DId devs completely forgot about Łódź - Warszawa route DLC? - Cargo Pack DLC (ET22, Fals, Zas, Sggnss) - they released it, although they promised not to release DLCS before the release of the full game.... Also this DLC was not complete at the time of release XD! Can you even imagine releasing a paid DLC that's not complete for a game that's in Early Access? - Early Access exit... yeah sure... 3+ months (okay, I get it, by 3+ they meant at least 12 months, or maybe never hehe): - No updates regarding Zgorzelec - Dresden route DLC. - But they did the Katowice - Sędziszów route 80's version, even if they didn't complete everything on the 1-3 months list... - No updates of the USA route... maybe it's in trash bin, who knows? - No support for RailDriver - No mechanical signal boxes, although there's a gif with them in the app description on the steam website lol... - No home cockpit I/O support (or very poor support for custom controlers...) - No train editor - And let's not forget their “.... to be continued” where they keep promising things and never do them, or even if they do, not as promised! Congratulations for not keeping their promises and being lazy developers with the support of blinded, deceived customers. People, open your eyes. You are being scammed by developers who are making money from your stupidity and gullibility. Their C. E. O announced on X (old Twitter) that their cargo pack dlc paid for itself in less than 2 days (if I remember correctly, it was about 24 hours...) AND THEY STILL WANT ALMOST FULL PRICE FOR IT. Take SCS Software for example with their much bigger project in comparison - ETS 2 (Euro Truck Simulator 2), they stick to their promises and almost never disappoint, especially when it comes to surprises. They sell their dlc at a discount for less than half their price about a year after release. A COMPANY THAT IS AT LEAST 10x BIGGER. And you still believe everything that SimKol S.A or SimRail S.A says... They already have 2 games of the same scale (as SimRail) in production, although they haven't finished the first game. If you don't want another company "EA Games like" to grow up, you'd better stay away from their products at least as long as they ignore their customers and silence all criticism because “they're Polish fans, don't mind them”... I understand that SimKol S.A has other projects (simulators) in works for Polish real life companies, but maybe "pie in the sky" (POL: "gruszki na wierzbie") isn't best long-term strategy. Besides, don't you think that forcing people to pay for the Łódź - Warszawa DLC when you already took money for the Pabianice - Łódź - Warszawa route from ŁKA (Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna [ENG: Łódź Metropolitan Railway]) for creating a “simulator” for them (based on the already created SimRail [funny, right?]) is not fair? There is evidence of this in the SimRail game files... LOL. P.S. I hope the invoice didn't mention anything about paying for the game (just the cockpit, creating the game map, etc. And no, the game mechanics [programming - not including support for cockpit] most likely can't be either, since you've already done everything needed to make such a simulator work; what I mean by that is, you just spawn the train at certain map coordinates, which should be already possible if you test your game), and even if it did, not more than the normal SimRail price, or else someone might have problems with Polish Supreme Audit Office (NIK)... (I hope I won't get banned after this or this will be deleted xD)" I hope devs realize this is wrong and, at the very least, apologize to the player base.
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