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  1. Having driven older locomotives and newer in Norway. EL14 has a rough ride, it is a six axle loco and the suspensjon is made of coil and leaf springs. It will throw you around the cab if the track is bad, and if the wheels are worn and dampers are bad it's even worse. I have also driven the traxx type 185, which is similar in most respects to the 186 but the driving controls are much better on the 185 as it has no time set controls, hold to set brake, hold to increase traction, hold to increase cruise control and so on. But the sounds are spot on. The traxx rides like a cadillac, but does not like curves very much. I also drive the EL18 today and that is somwhere in between, the ride is harder than the traxx but it takes the curves better. I still think that some switches are insane in the eu07 as i was sure i was off the rails. And that was the straight route through a switch.
  2. I really miss mirrors, so i can see down the side of the train, or in some cases cameras. Like the traxx has button for it but it does not work.
  3. As a professional driver in Norway i can approve most of theese points. But I am not familiar with 3000V DC operation, we use 16 000V AC and most of the issues you list are not present. It is true that trains that stop in a station should not move if the exit signal is red. But that is definately not the way the bots operate.
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