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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Ah, righto, thanks for the input. I'm generally on EN2 anyway cos it's nearly always empty. Appreciated x
  2. Hi all, Possibly an odd question; When you spawn into a dispatch station, at what point do you assume control? Reason for asking is; I'm wanting to attempt a harder panel/station than Juliusz. But I'd like to be able to look the unfamiliar Signal Panel/Track Layout/Timetable over first to familiarise myself with it all before diving in and start routing trains.
  3. Okay. So to confirm; When Dorota offers me a train on Track 2 via Signal B - as it does occasionally - I should send it on to Dandowka via Track 1?
  4. Hi, First off, excellent game, really enjoying it. Thank you x Server: EN2 Location: Juliusz Signal Box. Problem: When setting a route from Dorota to Sosnowiec Dandówka via Track 2, the Train Departure Confirmation button Po 2 SD does not work. Duplicated 3 times in one session.
  5. Hi, I'm on server EN2, and I'm the only person on it, so I reckon it must have been a case of Train Not Spawning. Good to know that can happen. Thanks for the help, appreciated x
  6. Hi all. So I'm currently running Juliusz signal box. Game Local Time is 07:37 (08:37 UK). I had a booked train 464012 due through @ 06:50 which didn't appear. Using the map.simrail.app I input the Train Number and was unable to locate the train. Do I take this as confirmation of a cancelled train? Is there any other way of checking this? Is there a way of marking a cancelled train in the TT? Thanks in advance, Neal x
  7. Ah . . . This may well be the answer. I'll get on server EN2 and experiment. I've tried to read that tutorial you linked to a couple of times, but it's just Whoosh! right over my head. I've always been a learn-by-doing sort of person with books to supplement that . . . Thanks for your help, though, Much Appreciated X.
  8. So . . . Dorota (bot) offered me a train to Sosnowiec (bot) on track 2, which I accepted. (This is a first for me) I tried to set a route from Signal B on track 2 towards Sosnowiec via track 1, by dropping the barriers and setting points 7/8 to cross from track 2 to track 1 - which I was able to do. However, the inbound signal at B would not clear, would not give me the route. What button sequence am I missing?
  9. I've come here from long-term usage of SimSig, so I'm using their TT's/Gameplay as a reference. We need a more dynamic Dispatcher Timetable: Ability to 'remove' handled trains or have them greyed out once they've passed through. ***Discovered that recording time of arrival/departure/crossing marks train in green, so indicating train handled*** Ability to sort trains by Dispatcher Post. Ability to sort trains by Type, Number, Arrival or Departure Time. Train Data to include Train Length & Maximum Speed. Ability to offer Train to next Post EARLY or to HOLD until booked time. Maybe a way to discern Up or Down lines? (Though that may just be a British thing).
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