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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Thank you so much! This is really amazing! As I see, this is read only for anyone except the SimRail team. Are there any plans to make this wiki editable by the community?
  2. Hello everyone! I'm sure with the new update other people are interested in the new, LUA based scenario system as well. My suggestion / question is to work out some common place we can aggregate our ideas, informations, best practices, tutorials, any kind of common knowledge about the new system. As there are already quite a few sites, wikis for different themed SimRail relevant information, I don't feel necessary to make another one. So, my aim with this topic is to start a discussion about a possible "hub" for SimRail's LUA scripting related information, which can be accessible for everyone. Please share your ideas, or pros and cons for other one's ideas in the comments below!
  3. I'm sorry for everyone who was interested in this! The timing of this project was absolutly the worst for obvious reasons (and for some personal reasons for me as well). Now this project is obviously discontinued due to the game's scenario changes. I'll ask a forum moderator to please close this topic and probably the code and Windows binary from GitHub will be gone shortly as well.
  4. Thank you! I checked it. It looks like this ScenarioManifest lacks some tags I thought was necessary to include. I'll release a new version with a less strict input check.
  5. If it's public, can you send me the ScenarioManifest.xml file you were trying to edit? Yes, I'll try to make a text-based or video tutorial as soon as I'll have some free time to get it done.
  6. Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce the first development version of my project: SimRail Scenario Editor. This tool can help you create scenarios with these useful features: you don't have to edit files manually, everything can be done with a form based editor, automatic $id handling: you don't have to set new $id for every object, the editor takes care of that, automatic reference handling: you can select object references from a list instead of entering manually, dropdown lists with selectable values: stations, signals, weather codes, etc., a traffic command editor with labeled fields and selectable options, and other features. The project is still under development but it's usable to open, edit and save scenarios (including the timetables and missions). There are couple limitations in place like support only English language in the scenarios and editing train vehicle list by hand. But in the near future these problems will be solved. My project is also open-source under MIT license. Feature requests, issue reports, pull requests are welcome. Link to the project and source code: SimRail Scenario Editor @ GitHub Download @ GitHub (Win10 / Win11) MacOS / Linux binary not available at the moment. 😞 Edit: Discontinued as of April 22, 2024.
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