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SimRail Early Access


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  1. 17.06.24 cannot get auto pilot to disable - tried goods train and Pendolino EN1 and EN2.
  2. On English 1 server 3rd October 2023 the dispatch notification system is not working between stations. No voice comms. Text box not working. Buttons to indicate "Train Departed" / "Is the line clear" etc are greyed out too. As a consequence a human player cannot change the interlocks or communicate. I have tried WP and Psary both have this fault this morning. Seemed to happen after the 7.05am restart. I mention this in case it is a fault which could recur and, therefore, can be monitored.
  3. Might just be my set up would be good if other players can confirm the same - clicking the relevant train in the timetable to confirm departure no longer works. the time in the top right of the timetable is set at 00:00:00 clicking the radio buttons at the top of the timetable behave as if they are checkboxes and do not switch back to one selection only
  4. This is a great game and congratulations to the Sim Rail team. The game is spoiled by one or two dispatchers who take great delight in regularly stopping trains for no reason - clear ahead, clear behind, I've had one even ask where I'm going (destination), no communication re four trains stopped in all directions, no explanation, no apologies. I am as patient as you can be with someone who makes mistakes (and we all do!), but fess up. I say this because one of the great parts of the game is at least trying to run to schedule and that's very difficult to do. If there is a sense of frustration, it's because if you drive for over an hour and are 8 minutes ahead and then you are held for a number of minutes you are then late, especially so when driving a heavy goods train which takes time to move. Sometimes it can't be helped but when you are stopped for absolutely no reason it's bad form! This, tied in with AI issues will lead to problems. This morning there were at least 20 trains stacked up waiting around the Warszaw area. This was not human probs but AI. Problems that may well be sorted as the game develops more. However, I am cautious about SimRail going the same way as TrainSim with third party developers developing routes that don't work, charging money for add-ons that never get fully sorted and the issues resolved. So, what I'm saying is combine all these factors together and we have a game that will grow to be unstable and be unusable. I'd hate to see it go that way. Not saying it will, just expressing concerns. I also believe that anyone dispatching should have voice comms. I apologise in advance if this upsets anyone. I say what I've said with the best of motives.
  5. Well I've had drivers/dispatchers jumping up onto the front of my train (it was stopped at the time!). Sure you hadn't been on the whisky? 🙂 Talking of things outside (sorry, totally unrelated) there is a sad lack of sheep, cows and horses in Poland! but lots of Ambulances).
  6. I agree! New stations come - shiny and new, everyone wants them. It's all to do with phases. Look forward to the day when you as a user does get the box you want and hogs it for a few hours. Enjoy a smirk and have fun. I think, 'that's life, deal with it' sums up the discussion very well.
  7. Great game, and it is a game! The majority of users are helpful and friendly and it's important to realise that some users are more experienced than others. Several times while driving I've experienced dispatchers slowing down trains for no reason, stopping trains for no reason (I follow on the map so nothing ahead!), putting my train into a siding without asking (bad form without asking!) thus restricting it to 40khm for a stretch making 1 hour driving 5 mins ahead then 5 mins behind. It's very difficult to drive to schedule when, in addition, green VMAX is not issued early especially when driving any train at 140kmh or above. The AI system is now better giving clear exits early but this doesn't happen at all stations. I believe that dispatchers are there to be obeyed 🙂 they do have 'power' which should not be misused. Dispatching isn't easy and judgments have to be made, mistakes happen too, no problem! Some dispatchers don't communicate when contacting them either by text or voice which leaves the driver clueless and frustrated as to what is going on. It would be good if dispatchers give early green VMAX for HS Pendo and trains over 140kmh wherever possible. dispatchers realise the 'rules' and priority difference between 4, 5 and 6 digit train numbers (4 usually has priority over 6) dispatchers communicate when contacted dispatchers don't put trains into sidings without notifying the driver (and a reason would be nice). If a driver is early it's not the dispatchers job to slow it down unless there is a good reason to do so or there is another train that has timetable priority). dispatchers don't 'argue' with drivers over PT (technical optional stops). Obviously if it's helpful to the dispatcher for a PT stop to happen they should say so. dispatchers don't dispatch from boxes they can't manage effectively (go small, walk before running as it were!) dispatchers who get themselves into a pickle (and it happens, no prob.) leave the box and let the AI sort it out, no worries doing that!
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