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Petit Baptou - FR

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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Yes it still persists. Lowering graphics delays the moment the game crashes. For example, with the minimum graphic settings I can play around 20 minutes before the game crashes. I’ve tried hundreds of different graphic settings but none keeps the game from crashing.
  2. Hi everyone, I’ve been having an issue with the game for the last 48 hours. I haven’t changed anything on my pc but the game keeps crashing, whether I do railroad switches or train driving. The game crashes more or less rapidly depending on graphic settings. I had no problem running the game before in the last months. Here are my pc information: I9 9900 32gb ram Nvidia geforce 2080 TDI (drivers updated) Game installed on SSD 2560 x 1440 Thank everyone for helping SimRail_log_2023-05-29_21-15-04.txt SimRail_log_2023-05-29_20-34-46.txt SimRail_log_2023-05-29_20-25-08.txt SimRail_log_2023-05-28_22-54-20.txt
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