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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Hello @uetam we have same problem on FR1 and FR2 @Iwhite say that and i have, since early acces are started, same problem when i'm dispatcher.
  2. Hello, Sosnowiec Poludniowy have a problem. It does not allow any train to pass. All the trains are therefore blocked, and block the entire line because they cannot enter the station of Sosnowiec Poludniowy. The problem was encountered on FR2 but same problem was also encountered this morning on other servers (EN,..) and announced on Discord You can see a screenshot of map in attachment. Thank you
  3. Hello, I encountered a problem between Drabrowa Gornicza and Drabrowa Gornicza Golonog. Distance to next station odometer went down, then kept going up several times. At 3 kilometers remaining, I had to brake urgently because the station was here, and not 3 kilometers away.. The logs are attached, it's after 21h20 (reboot). Thank you Log_2022-12-15_21-06-37_part1.txt
  4. @Stele Precisely, for the wind it does not make the difference in contrary the rain. I make a thread to report the bug?
  5. Hello @Stele The sound of the wind is really very strong when we are in the dispatcher's post. Is it a bug? There is no difference between inside and outside for the sound. Thank.
  6. Hello, When I got up close and walked from the manual work table to dispatch the trains I fell into the background. I think my logs won't be necessary because others are also having the problem 🙂 Thank
  7. Hello, While walking, I noticed a bug at the station of Sosnowiec Glowny https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1050363373415579648/1050381591895097424/image.png And, already reported by me but the AI bug and my trains need to be stopped because Bedzin's AI dispatcher, in this example, is blocking the train in area 3074 (on the right). https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1050363373415579648/1050385424633298984/image.png Thank you,
  8. For connexion error #3, message are "Connection to the server was lost for un unknow reason".
  9. Hello Simrail's team, Sorry for my traduce, i'm french 😅 After playing an hour, here are the first major bugs, for me. 1- A camera bug : sometimes the camera freezes even when pressing 1. Unable to advance or move the camera. 2- Please.....translate the dispatcher interface in English at least (and in French 🥰). For exemple, in dispatcher's computer for trace the road, everything is in polish..It's already complicated without a tutorial... 3- I had a lot of connection error on the multiplayer. Maybe a lack of server stability? I'm obviously not the only one 4- Same as number 1, camera blocked when zooming on the manual dispatch table Very nice games, big potential, I love it! I will make other posts for the next bugs. Thank you !
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