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Everything posted by PengiBuilds

  1. Game crashes randomly when doing the EIP scenario from Katowice to Warszawa. Has happened to me twice now SimRail_log_2024-12-29_05-32-00.txt
  2. Warszawa-Berlin express z EU44. Nie miałbym nic przeciwko, gdyby jechał tylko do Poznania
  3. I think that a timetable mode (something similar to the one in train sim world) is much needed in the game as there are very few singleplayer scenarios in the game. It would basically be like the current multiplayer mode, just offline, and weather and time should be customizable. This would let players drive any service they want without an internet connection and would also let people practice driving/dispatching without bothering others.
  4. Trasa z Poznańiem, moja ulubiona jest Poznań - Piła z EN57AKW albo EN57AL 😁
  5. I have had the game for a few weeks now, and I'm loving it, but it still lacks some things (early access I know). One of the few things that has especially been bothering me are the sounds. Not because they're bad, but they could use quite a few improvements for more realism. Here is what I would fix/add to improve the sounds: - Better loops. The run and engine sounds of most trains aren't looped in the best way, so there is a pattern in them which keeps repeating and gets very annoying after a while. - Difference between exterior and interior sounds. The interior and exterior sound exactly the same which isn't the most realistic. - Tunnel echo. - Weather sounds. Sounds like raindrops hitting the windshield or the wind blowing would increase immersion. - Louder horns. This is an issue i have experienced in many train sims where the horns are not loud enough on the exterior. Horns should be ear-shatteringly loud and have an echo which can be heard from a distance. A better doppler effect and different horn variations for a single train type would be nice too. Doppler example: Example of how loud a horn can be: "Meowing" EP07 🙂 Notice how this EP07s horn sounds different - Louder brake squeal. The brakes, especially on Intercity wagons are very loud in real life, and I would appreciate seeing this in SimRail aswell. (Skip to 2:40) - Improved station announcements. Announcements at large stations like Warszawa Centralna and Katowice should be louder and echo more. It would also be nice to have chimes and voices similar to the ones of the real stations (like IVONA TTS). Also in my opinion, having announcements in different languages in unneccessary as it doesn't sound realistic and they are not very important for gameplay. They should be kept in Polish (and English at some stations) Do I even need to explain this: - The beep sound that you hear when you recieve a radio message in some trains (you can just about hear it in this clip) - More distorted radio sounds for realism (toggleable perhaps)
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