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Sharpe Serana

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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Hello, To give you some backgrounds, I am working in railway signalling engineering... and I could keep noticing some (minor) inconsistencies in the ETCS system. First, "Entering FS" or "Entering OS" messages should be displayed only during level transitions when the speed limits and gradients are not known by the onboard system for the whole length of the train. So you should encounter that message only when entering an ETCS domain, not in the middle of it. Also, while it's usual to have this message when entering level 1 from level NTC (National Train Control, such as SHP), it's much less frequent to have this message when entering level 2 (from level 1 or NTC) because, usually, the RBC knows the speed limits and gradients before the level transition and transmits that information to the train. For a transition from level 2 to level 1, you shouldn't have this message either because the speed limits and gradients from the RBC are kept by the train during this transition. Also, according to the DMI specification, when the safe radio connection indicator appears, you should not have the Sinfo sound triggered.
  2. The water drop effect on puddles during rain is wrong. It's moving with the player while it should stay in a fixed position.
  3. I spent the night analyzing what's happening with the traffic jam in the stations. It's basically a deadlock : trains in the Warsaw-Katowice direction are taking every tracks at Zawiercie so trains in the other direction can't cross this station. The same for trains in the Katowice-Warsaw direction : these trains are taking every tracks in Lazy, so trains coming from Zawiercie can't cross this station. Even deleting some trains (by making them derail) at the problematic locations doesn't solve the issue. The best way to solve this issue would probably be to forbid the AI to take too much initiatives (putting trains on every track that is free) but should use tracks only in their usual direction (for the AI only, a player should be able to use these tracks in the opposite direction if they need to).
  4. After resetting an axle counter, I wanted to move a point in this axle counter in order to make a train pass on it to finish the axle counter reset. I activated BZ then PLUSBZ or MINUSBZ, but the point doesn't change position. Reproducible on every electronic interlocking.
  5. Seems to be fixed with server restart
  6. Since the update, I can't start a game on the FR1 server, both in driver and dispatcher mode. I am getting disconnected for unknown reason. Here's the associated log: Log_2022-12-09_22-47-27_part1.txt
  7. To be noted : some signal boxes, like Katowice Zawodzie on track 2, have manual level crossings. You have to close them before setting a route : click on the level crossing and select ZAMK. After a few moments, the level crossing becomes grey on the screen and you can set the route. You have to open them when the train has vacated the level crossing : click on it and select OTW. It will then become magenta.
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