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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Thanks. I didnt know how to read half of it before I found this.
  2. In this case, another freight train overtook me. Talked with the driver and he was supposed to go behind me (looking at his scheduled time). Other than that, several trains of all kinds passed in both directions but there were also times when no train was going in any direction and I still was not cleared to proceed.
  3. While playing service number 421056, I was stopped by a red signal at Wolbrom for more than 40 minutes over the expected time I should have passed there. Server was "es1", time 21:26 CET. Update: Signal cleared while I was writing the report. Aprox 45 minutes late: I'm going to paste the end result screens blelow as they give additional info on times that might help with debugging: Stop at signal time in this screenshot: Signal cleared screenshot:
  4. He leído en un post del foro que el pendolino que usan en Polonia no lo tiene. Ojo: No soy ningún experto. Solo repito lo que he leído.
  5. While playing as a dispatcher at Opoczno Poludnie, I noticed that some services are set to stop at Platform 1 Track 3, but track 3 is not next to the platform. An example service is 14141 (scheduled arrival at 22:01).
  6. I will buy the game tomorrow unless the price is really stupid (and I don't think it will be).
  7. The current test version of the timetable is just 1 hour of services repeated all day to make it easy for the devs to find the problems. The full version of the game will not be like this.
  8. Just here to confirm that you can get this problem in Bedzin too. In the screenshot you can see that according to the control table train 644042 should be in Track 4, but it is not there if you look thru the window. That train should have been there (according to the timetable).
  9. There is a round signal with the text "Rn", where n is the channel number. Example: R2 = Channel 2. When the game releases you should also get a message in the UI, but that is not working yet in the test build.
  10. I always thought Simrail was going to be good, but I did not think I would not feel like playing TSW3 after trying Simrail multiplayer. DTG is going to have a big problem when Simrail releases.
  11. Guess the devs will already know this just from looking at the logs, but many play sessions end because there is a long line of trains stuck at a signal near Lazy.
  12. Some screenshots look really good. Can't wait to see the final product.
  13. The screen that shows all the service numbers and destinations seems to be down on all servers since 0:55 CET aprox. In the screen you can read something like "Retrying 8 of 8". Edit: Seems to be working again now. 1:38 CET.
  14. It is part of the multiplayer test to identify this kind of problems so they can be fixed.
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