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Everything posted by uetam

  1. Later today i will create map with all routes that will be available in full version.
  2. 馃殾Changelog: -The AI automatically takes control of the train after a minute if the player does not respond to the signal -Dispatcher AI improvements -Fixed crash if more than 3 players were talking -Scenery fixes -Improved brake control in EU07 series from the keyboard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 馃殾Changelog: - Bot automatycznie przejmuje kontrol臋 nad poci膮giem po minucie gdy gracz nie reaguje na sygna艂 zezwalaj膮cy - Poprawki wirtualnego dy偶runego ruchu - Poprawiony b艂膮d z crashem gry wi臋cej ni偶 2 osoby u偶ywa艂y czatu g艂osowego - Poprawki w scenerii - Poprawione sterowanie hamulcami w lokomotywie EU07
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  3. API - tak, serwery w chwili obecnej b臋d膮 hostowane tylko przez nas.
  4. In reality you are able to use signal D when signal C2 is red and first railroad crossing is open. In this situation, signal D limits speed of trains to 40km/h. In fact signal D only purpose is to slow down trains to be able enter platforms without closing this first railroad crossing 馃檪
  5. No c贸偶, jednym z rozwi膮za艅 mo偶e by膰 stworzenie r贸偶nych zasad w zale偶no艣ci od typu serwera. Na jednym zablokujemy ka偶d膮 aktywno艣膰 gracza kt贸ra mo偶e teoretycznie spowodowa膰 zakorkowanie si臋 serwera serwera a na innych ufaj膮c temu, 偶e gracze ju偶 z pewnym do艣wiadczeniem wiedz膮 co robi膮 dopu艣cimy praktycznie wszystko 馃檪
  6. If Sosnowiec G艂贸wny is 5/10 on the difficulty scale then Zawiercie is 10/10. Trust me i am testing it right now. There is a possibility that you will see Zawiercie on servers in next week but I DONT promise anything.
  7. Niestety z jednej strony mamy ludzi kt贸rzy chc膮 aby w 100% odwzorowa膰 operacje kolejowe na wz贸r VATSima a z drugiej strony mamy kompletnych laik贸w. Troch臋 ci臋偶ko to pogodzi膰 w jednej produkcji ale b臋dziemy si臋 starali 馃檪
  8. Ca艂y czas trwa aktywna walka z wirtualnym dy偶urnym ruchu. Niestety skubany nie chce si臋 podda膰 bez walki 馃槈
  9. Fixed. You will see this update on servers tommorow or in tueday.
  10. Hi, thank you for this report.
  11. Hi, We've little problems with our servers. Thank you for this report.
  12. We are working on problems related AI. Thank you for your report.
  13. Please attach your logs from C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\SimKol\SimRail\logs directory. You can upload logs as zip or rar archive.
  14. Thank you, we are working on bugs related AI.
  15. Hi, We've little probblems with our servers. Thank you for your patience.
  16. Hi, We've had little problems with our servers.
  17. Hi, we've had little problems with our api server. Should be working fine now!
  18. This has been already reported. Thank you.
  19. We are working on issues related virtual dispatcher and AI loco drivers.
  20. Thank you for this report.
  21. Thank you for this report.
  22. We are aware of the problems with virtual dispatcher, we are working on this even on weekends 馃檪
  23. You could try to use substitute signal.
  24. Thank you for this report.
  25. This problem is cause by train numbering system and changing the pairity of the numbers depending on the railroad line number. We will work on this.
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