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Everything posted by zordem

  1. Hello, i've driven a train from the earliest point in warschawa to the end in katowice. Even tho i've driven without ever leaving the train i did not receive the achievement. Im also unsure if that/that type of achievement is ment to be earned in multiplayer. Best regards SimRail_log_2024-12-14_20-14-01.txt
  2. Update on this matter: Since i have reported this i've noticed this bug on a extremly high number of signals spread over the whole map. Should i open another report for that?
  3. Hello, ive noticed that the model of signal T5 is clipping. The pole is showing through the front plate and the text is disappearing in the pole. Image is attached.
  4. Hello, ive noticed weird behavior when setting a route to P1, P2, P3 and P4. In most of the cases the route was shown but the starting signal remained red until signal PX was green. This behavior seems unwanted as the command status says "Executed" and is clearly not fully executed. Video attached. I tried to reproduce this on EU3, DE3 and HU1 and on all of these servers it worked as expected and i was not possible to set a route to a P Signal showing S1 aspect. This seems to be a unique problem on DE1. Greetings
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