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SimRail Early Access


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  1. To delete stuff like your single player progress and your sim rail settings delete all files in your appdata/locallow/simkoll as well as preform uninstall and a fresh install of the main game via steam to reset your multiplayer progress, first why would you want to do this? (I understand resetting single player but I don’t understand the desire for multiplayer resetting) Second that can only be done by the simrail admin team
  2. here is an example of a "floating person" the player model needs to be locked to the cab or locked to the ground
  3. if they are getting antsy give them an EDT and tell them to use the time as a bathroom brake or grab a cup of coffee. that's what i use layovers for
  4. Hi, this visual glitch occurs whenever its raining at night, i have also seen this occur inside the cab of a locomotive. SimRail 2023-05-16 20-31-39.mp4 SimRail_log_2023-05-16_20-01-49.txt
  5. I’d argue just give us 5min notice in the server chat box and that’s it. No need to spam us with a literal countdown.
  6. i noticed this as well the SHP reset and the vigilance are both tied to SPACEBAR but in the buttons.config file they have on line 51 "shp=LeftAlt" i hope they brake this cobinding soon... i recently rebound my vigilance mapping to my flight sim pedals so they act like actual vigilance pedals. i hope to soon have SHP remapped to eather "Q" or an external button. when PZB gets added i HOPE they will incorporate new button mappings for the PZB BEFEHL , PZB FREI, & PZB WACHSAM, maybe delete, end, & page down respectively like how TSC assigns them.
  7. we already have the first one, developed by the french simrail community, its available at: https://www.simrail.app/ the "where your supposed to go." is more or less handled by dispatchers. but it would be nice for the 3rd party map makers to add. the second part is a good idea
  8. tbh i think the passenger car camera view are meant to emulate the viewpoint of security cameras, not of actual passengers.
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