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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Well then, I will just keep in mind some trains will have delays because of incoherence between driving time and speed limits, and will not complain about the delay.
  2. Understood, Goppel. Thank you for clarification. Maybe I will take point reduction and go faster when servers have people, so that they won't put blame on me. 90 sounds a bit excessive, but I may as well do that when I'm in that mood.😆
  3. It appeared to me that the track from Dorota to Juliusz have too low speed limit. It causes much delay (ca. 3 min) on the timetable even when it is driven at speed limit. It was on EN3, dated Apr-17. I passed the section around 23:39 EDT (UTC-4) My screenshots are attached at the bottom, when I was (rather patiently) driving TLK 24185. Top: On the way to Juliusz (4 min delay), Bottom: After passing Juliusz (7 min delay). I was driving at and sometimes going over 30km/h, which was the speed limit for this section. When I check SimRail Map, the other way has speed limit of 50km/h, which makes sense since this section is very much straight, even considering that bi-directional operation is available. If this is how it is intended, then I am sorry for the false alarm. SimRail_log_2023-04-17_20-56-53.txt
  4. Maybe highlighting where KI (or AI?) press or pull the button to actualize what they do background with certain colors will help? (Learned German abbreviation KI today)
  5. I second to you. Even the simplest station requires a long reading for everyone who is new to the game, and I believe some people cannot understand the idea of automated blocks, Sz signals, etc, that is unique to rail dispatcher systems. It took me an hour. Now I know what to read on the table, but I still don't know when and what to communicate with the next station. I guess some tutorial stages (easy, intermediate, and hard stations, with single-player situation) are coming with step-by-step instructions, but until that happens, 'demo' mode is what I ask.
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