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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Driver change at the end of a scenario: Currently, in order to complete a train service/scenario, you’ll have to drive the train outside the player-area, when all of a sudden the whole thing comes to an end and a screen pops up right in your face. Now that the passenger movements almost works perfectly (passenger entry and finding a seat), it would be cool if there would be an AI driver waiting at your platform to enter your train, so you can hand over the train to that driver, step off, and see the train take off. I’ve begun to use the 3 key to leave the train, when I get to the final station, and then use the Esc key to activate the bot. But this results in a “scenario failure” when you then go to the main menu, after activating the bot at the final station.
  2. We need more movement in the cab when we’re driving, no doubt. It feels so wrong when you’re driving across multiple track switches with absolutely no movement at all.
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  3. Now that Dovetail refuses to add working toilets in TSW for so many years, can we pleeease have working toilets in SimRail? We do not necessarily have to have the ability to sit down and do the one thing or the other, but just the ability to go into the toilet, lock the door, flush the toilet, wash your hands, it all adds to the gameplay experience. Could be SO cool! Toilets are part of reality, let's do it, SimRail! You can do it! I believe in you! 😎
  4. New roles onboard the train (both for SP/MP): I think I read somewhere, that a passenger mode is already in the works, that's great. That was one of my suggestions. BUT: Ticket controllers/inspectors: The driver role works as it should. So does the dispatcher role. And with a passenger mode soon too, can we please get a ticket controller/inspector role? Pleeeeease... 🥺 That would be SO cool to have one player drive the train while the other checks tickets (we may need a few more passengers, tho - I have already mentioned that in another thread). Random events/incidents: But now we're at it, there could even be random events happening onboard. Such as passengers without tickets that needs a fine, rude passengers that needs to be kicked off (and therefore you need to communicate with the train driver to hold the train at the next station), medical emergencies, technical difficulties (you know, life kicks in sometimes), etc. Onboard bistro/kiosk staff: If the developers feel like going REALLY into details, for the long distance trains with onboard bistros, you could be serving customers with coffee, snacks, etc. in the bistro coach. This would also pair great with one player driving the train, while you can either inspect tickets or work in the bistro. This role, however, is not a role I expect. But if SimRail really wanted to stand out for details, this could be one way to do it. edit: maybe this should be moved to multiplayer suggestions?
  5. Passenger Quantity Short and simple suggestion: We need more passengers. Especially at the bigger stations. Running to make the train And speaking of passengers at the stations: It’s such a nice detail to see passengers actually walking towards your train, opening the doors, entering and finding a seat. But for late passengers or passengers who stand way too far away from your way too short train (sometimes even in the other end of the platform - can we fix this, please?) it would be nice to see them run to make the train. ‘Cause that’s quite relatable. We have all done that, right?!
  6. Small and simple suggestion for both SP/MP: If you, for instance, go from a cab view to a free orbit view and then back to cab view, could we please make the game 'remember' what POV you had (X/Y/Z) when you left the cab view? Personally, I always tilt the camera a bit down, so I have a bit more view of the dashboard. Then when I leave the cab view (clicks '2', for instance) and then returns to the cab view, it now points upwards again, making me having to tilt the view a little again. Doing this 25-50 times throughout a 2-3 hour scenario can be a bit frustrating and tiring.
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