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Micke Steal

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SimRail Early Access


-9 Poor
  1. French T’es propos sont ABT @Max1116 et @Dignité Je te propose de désinstaller ce jeux car tu ne c'est même pas ce que le titre du jeux "SimRail" veux dire car dans une simulations ferroviaire il peut y avoir des pannes, donc quand j'entends parlé de RP je te laisse te remettre en questions en quoi est-ce mal de faire son métier de conducteur ou bien d'aiguilleur et dire si ce qu'on voit des anomalies. "Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir". Est-ce que pour toi une simulation ferroviaire c'est être H24 à l'heure, conduire sans intempéries, sans risque, sans problème, chaque journée se ressemble t-elle ? A ton avis pourquoi les autres joueur ne vienne pas parce que quand tu as fait le tours du jeux compris comment le mécanisme fonctionne çà ne les intéresses plus, ils préfèrent next... ou sinon si il a pas d'actions Donc en quoi les sois disant "RP te dérange". Quand chaque jours se ressemble en quoi est-ce motivant de faire ce métier ? English I suggest you uninstall this game because you do not even know what the title of the game "SimRail" means because in a railway simulation there can be failures, so when I hear about RP I let you question what is wrong to do his job as a driver or switchman and say if what you see anomalies. "Better safe than sorry". For you, does a railway simulation mean being on time 24 hours a day, driving without bad weather, without risk, without problems, is every day the same? Why do you think the other players don't come because when you've done the trick of understanding how the mechanism works they're not interested anymore, they prefer next... or if they don't have any actions? So why does the so-called "RP" bother you. When every day is the same, why is it motivating to do this job? Micke Steal
  2. -- Have a flashlight in the trains that can be retrieved and activated at any time. (Especially at night we can't see much to do train inspections). -- Increase the traffic by 20 to 10% because sometimes we are bored IRL there are trains every 15 to 20 minutes in the station. -- Possibility that the switchers can change the speed limit in their township. -- More realistic animations during train derailments, i.e. let the train continue its derailment and wait a while before making them disappear. -- Add passenger moods (if you brake too hard, passengers will be unhappy / if you arrive late, they may be unhappy too) (Add some passenger moods in function). -- Add a probability system for the passenger traffic, which is almost non-existent. One wonders if one is not driving empty sometimes. -- Add announcements in stations / trains and if possible on the screens of the stations train information etc. ... -- In order to have more difficulty for the freight, the longer the car, the heavier it will be, so it will be difficult to move forward + add different cars (car transport / food products ect...). -- For the passenger cars add more cars so that they are a little longer to have more difficulty and vary the driving. -- After finishing the scenario at best to be sent back to the main menu to be sent back to the menu page where you choose your job (Driver or Switchers). -- I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use the "death button" or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea to use the "death button" or not, and I'm sure it's a good idea to use the "death button" or not. -- I would like to see a more realistic effect of the rain on the trains, such as the sound of the impact of the rain on the windshield / improve the rain so that it is more realistic - / when it rains the train has less grip so it will be harder to brake. -- Switch to daylight saving time on the French server. -- Do some optimization for small configurations. -- Adding more work to the switcher for example to start on trains already running, there are some trains that are in the sidelines that can be used to get them up and running. -- Have 1 extra platform at Będzin and why not two extra tracks. -- Start our commissioning at a depot for some trains or we would have to prepare everything in the train. -- Realistic weather and time according to the server for example for France the city would be Paris for the server us but in England then it could be London etc... -- Add an option to disable speeding or when it is a player who has the station to catch up that we can discuss with him so he can make us go faster by managing our speed. -- Add wind effects when we start to move. -- When a colleague passes us in the opposite direction, add the effect of friction between the two trains. -- Improve the servers to optimize our fps. -- Regarding the passenger trains there are some screens that are not used put the schedules on these screens, regarding the mirrors removed and put cameras that will work with the screens. -- Add incidents in probability (defective door, defective brake) -- That you can stand up even if the train is going fast because in real life in a train whether it goes fast or not you can stand up and even get out of the cabin. -- Put a passenger life in the passenger cars -- Add the sound of level crossings and no more cars that want to pass through the station in some stations there are level crossings but zero cars pass through which is not logical.
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