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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Who said I'm not calm. This is bug reporting section and I am reporting bugs. I've heard about update.
  2. When this will be fixed??? Because singleplayer right now 50% unplayable! It's a clear script problem, can you please address someone who knows how to code it right way? You have mistakes in the code. At least make a forcing way of restarting the script.
  3. Please give us the list of weather codes that are in .json file, so we can control our weather in created single player. I understand the rest except: "weatherCode": 800, It could be 500, 800, 801 etc, where we can find the list of that info. As well as if we can get a map of track ID for us to spawn the train, for the same reason.
  4. And please no dovetail type of end of scenario right away https://clips.twitch.tv/HelpfulInquisitiveKathyLitFam-T5okHp5allbTbbrE
  5. Here is an example, sometimes it works like baking up https://clips.twitch.tv/PoisedBenevolentOkapiAMPTropPunch-pzBE0y1UOzbiyO37
  6. There is no point of attaching the log because it happens randomly, the same tutorial or the same route can go normal or happen to fail. When it happens I've noticed that the script fails to continue if the green "you can stop now" fails to appear. Afterwards the calls to dispatch meaningless, the red light will stay red and I am unable to continue to drive. It really sucks after 2 hours to have that with no save option. This is bug 100% and I wish we could control lights in single player since there is no moving traffic or option to save. I don't want to return it but if it continue to happen I will have to. So far 4 times it happened in different sceneries, different trains.
  7. 1 Lack of singleplayer options: - I can't choose the time, consist, weather and location and direction where I am heading (I don't want any multiplayer) The scenarios I don't really like them because they are built on how they want it, not myself. 2. Lack of routes. Will never buy until these two will be complete Also, game is arcadish, lacking of real train systems, sounds and operations. Good luck
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