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Everything posted by Vince_Ours

  1. ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ“ข Hello everyone ! Update of SRP (1.1.1c) from 04/01/2025: ๐ŸŒ  - Addition of FR (Chris) audio announcements on EIP 14/41xx and 45/54xx lines. - Addition of PL audio announcements (GrySim) on EIP 14/41xx, 45/54xx; ECE 351/531xx, 45/54xxx and TLK 231/321xx lines. - Time correction and adjustment on several servers. - โš ๏ธ Some trains on the EIP 14/41xx line have a new service at Opoczno Poล‚udnie station. At the moment we have not updated S.R.P as we want to make sure this is not temporary. ๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŒ  The entire S.R.P. team wishes you all the best for the New Year!๐ŸŒ ๐ŸŽ€
  2. ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ“ข Hello everyone ! Update of SRP (1.1.1b) from 21/12/24: ๐ŸŽ„ - Addition of the TLK 231/321xx line with FR audio announcements (PlMikado and Chris). - Addition of FR (Chris) audio announcements on the EIP 13/31xx line. - Addition of FR (SergentCovide) audio announcements on the EIP 14/41xx line. - Addition of bilingual PL/EN audio announcements on ECE 351/531xx and ECE 45/54xxx lines. (These new audio announcements will be deployed in the future on the EIP and TLK lines. Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can find out whether you appreciate these new bilingual audio announcements). Many thanks to โ€œPrawyโ€ for his help with the texts on these various audio announcements. - Correction of the FR audio announcement for departure from Katowice on the EIP 45xx line (forget Zawiercie). - Correction of a stereo problem on FR restaurant audio announcements on EIP lines. ๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ„ The S.R.P. team wishes you a very happy holiday season and a Merry Christmas ! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ€
  3. Hello everyone ! Update of SRP (1.1.1a) from 15/12/24: - ROJ 19/918-9xx line upgrade. - Upgrade of the EIP 13/31xx line with new FR (Fabio, VinceOurs) and PL (GrySim) audio announcements. - Upgrade of the EIP 14/41xx line with new FR (VinceOurs) and EN (Sidtiger) audio announcements. - Addition of the EIP 45/54xx line with FR (VinceOurs) and EN (Sidtiger) audio announcements. - Addition of the ECE 45/54xxx line with FR (Fabio, VinceOurs) and EN (Sidtiger) audio announcements. - Addition of the ECE/MPE 351/531xx line with FR audio announcements (VinceOurs). - Addition of ROJ/MOJ 239/329xx line with FR, EN, DE and PL audio announcements. ๐Ÿš… ๐Ÿ•‘- Traffic info back on line. - The TLK 16/61xxx line is currently unavailable. We've done our best to restore the majority of lines as quickly as possible, and rest assured that further updates and voice announcements will be coming in the next few days as the team is available. In the meantime, enjoy SimRail and SRP ;).
  4. Hello Pep Torres. Thanks for your message. Not at the moment, as the SimRail update of December 13, 2024 should give us quite a lot of work to restore FR, EN, PL and DE audio announcements as soon as possible. Once we've finished restoring the lines, why not, but we need Spanish volunteers to do the EIP, TLK and ECE lines with their voices. If we don't get volunteers, we'll have to use synthetic voices. Would you volunteer to record your voice on these different types of line? Have a nice day.
  5. Hello everyone ! Update of SRP (1.1.0) from 20/09/24: ๐Ÿš… ๐Ÿ•‘- Addition of the "Passenger Traffic Info Phase 1" function (more details here). - Addition of "FR" Audio Announcements on the ECE 13/31xxx line (Thanks to Fabiotahiti). - Addition of "FR" Audio Announcements on the ECE 14/41xxx and EIP 14/41xx lines (Thanks to SergentCovide). - Addition of a missing audio announcement (Departure from Warszawa Zachodnia) "FR" on the EIP 14/41xx line (Thanks to IceCream). - Addition of "EN" and "PL" A.I. announcements on TLK 241/421xx and 241/421xx lines (via Zawiercie). - Addition of A.I. "EN" Audio Announcements on the MHE 132/312xx line. - Addition of "DE" Audio Announcements on the MOJ-ROJ 249/429xx line. - Various improvements to the two drop-down menus for servers and trains (in particular, when the API is rebooted, there is no longer any need to refresh the page). - Addition of the 3rd "Delayed station departure" button on ECE 14/41xxx, EIP 16/61xxx, ROJ 401xx and MOJ-ROJ 249/429xx lines. >> We've spent a lot of time working on the Passenger Traffic function (Phase 1) which has given us a lot of "complications" ๐Ÿ˜… and we sincerely hope you enjoy this new feature. The next big step is phase 2 (available after the SimRail timetable update) which will be the audio part of these delays. I wish you all lots of fun on SimRail and hope to see you soon !
  6. Hello everyone ! Update of SRP (1.0.6) from 24/08/24: - Addition of "DE" audio announcements on "EIP 13/31xx and 14/41xx lines" (Thanks to _Ice). - Addition of IA "DE" audio announcements on lines: "ROJ 19/91xx, 401/406xx". - Addition of "PL" audio announcements on "EIP 13/31xx line" (Thanks to Po_prostu_suchy). - Addition of "FR-Pack 2" audio announcements on all "TLK lines" (Thanks to Fabiotahiti). - Addition of an IA audio announcement concerning on-board catering on "EIP lines" (Audio announcement triggered after "Warsaw Zachodnia" for "13/14/16xx" and after "Wล‚oszczowa Pรณล‚noc" only for "41xx line"). - Replacement of the EIP jingle with the real jingle used on board Pendolinos. - Addition of the line "MHE 132/321xx" (Only in French for the moment) (Thanks to ChrisChris). - Addition of the line "EIE 19/91xx" (Only in French for the moment) (Thanks to VinceOurs). - Partial change of main menu. Have a nice evening !
  7. Hello ! Update of SRP (1.0.5) from 23/07/24: - Addition of "EN" audio announcements on the "ROJ-MOJ 249/429xx" line. - Addition of "PL" audio announcements on the lines: - ECE 13/31xxx - ECE 14/41xxx - EIP 14/41xx >> These are synthetic announcements (AI). We are still actively looking for one or more fluent Polish speakers who can lend their voices (free of charge) for the ECE, EIP and TLK lines. If you are interested, please contact us via the "Support" section of the site. - Addition of the "Delayed departure from station" announcement for the "EIP 14/41xx" line. - Modification of the sound volume (-1.5 Db) on the "EIP" and "ROJ" jingles. - Modification of the sound volume (-5 Db) on the "ROJ" jingles (EN57 version). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Bravura Lion Many thanks for your video. I sent you a PM to reply ;). In any case, we'll be adding German audio announcements soon. I'm not going to promise anything, but I'll do my best to make one or two lines of "ROJ" in German for the next update (1.0.6). However, as I wrote to you in the PM, if you can help us find one or more people who speak German and who would be prepared to record their voices for the ECE, TLK and EIP audio announcements. Thanks to you ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Hello everyone ! Update of SRP (1.0.4) from 11/07/24: - Addition of "EN" audio announcements on "ROJ - 19/91xxx and 401/406xxx" lines. - Addition of a "Mod Advertising" button to activate or deactivate advertising on lines equipped with it. - Addition of a loading module when you choose a train or change the version of audio announcements to check that the files can be accessed and loaded. - Optimisation of resources for advertising on equipped lines. - Automatic redirection to the main menu when train missions are completed. - Modification of the "Donate Ko-Fi" button at the bottom of pages. Have a nice day !
  9. Hello ! Update of SRP (1.0.3) from 26/06/24: - New function for broadcasting silent videos linked to the "PKP" and "Koleje Mazowieckie" and fictitious fixed advertising on the lines: - ROJ 19/91xxx (Koleje Mazowieckie) - ECE 13/31xxx et 14/41xxx (PKP) - EIP 13/31xx, 14/41xx et 16/61xx (PKP) โš ๏ธ Only people with two or more screens (which leave SRP displayed) can take advantage of this new function! >> When you reach the end of the line (in the game) you will be redirected to the main menu (only on the lines mentioned above). >> These videos and adverts will only be displayed when the train is between two stations. Other lines should receive this new feature in future updates. - Modification to the layout of the "PL" audio announcements on the ROJ 19/91xx and 401/406xx lines (Thanks to Fatality). - Addition of a "Don't forget your belongings..." reminder on the ROJ 401/406xx lines at Sosnowiec Glowny, Dabrowa Gornicza Zabkowice and Zawiercie stations. - Addition of a silent function to prevent the browser or tab from going to sleep when it is not displayed or active (this should solve the problem of audio announcers not being activated when the browser is minimised or the tab is not active). For the next update, we're going to focus on adding audio announcements for ROJ in English. I wish you all a good week ! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. Hello everyone ! Update of SRP (1.0.2) from 23/06/24: - Addition of PL audio announcements on the MOJ/ROJ 249/429xx line. - Addition of FR audio announcements (Pack 2) on the EIP 14/41xx line (Thanks to IceCream). - Addition of manual FR/PL audio announcements "Delayed departure from station" on the lines: - EIP 13/31xx - ECE 13/31xxx - ROJ 19/91xxx et 406xx - TLK 16/61xxx , 241/421xx and 241/421xx (via Zawiercie) >> All lines will receive this new announcement shortly. - Moving the display of stations and "Next Stop" on the lines mentioned above in anticipation of a new function... - Visual modification of buttons for manual audio announcements. - Visual change to audio announcement selection menu (now displays language flags). - Minor code corrections and optimisations. I hope you all have a great Sunday !
  11. Hello everyone ! Here is the first update of SRP (1.0.1) from 15/06/24: - Addition of PL audio announcements on ROJ 401xx and 406xx lines. - Addition of FR audio announcements (Pack 2) on the ROJ 249/429xx line (Thanks to Nokimo). - The time displayed now corresponds to the selected server. - Addition of written translations of the EN and PL site (choice via the main menu). - Correction of the sound level of jingles in announcements on the ROJ 406xx - 19/91xxx lines. - Correction of a "Next Stop" display bug between Katowice and Sosnowiec Glowny on the EIP 14/41xx line. - The FR announcement for "Varsovie Central" Standard version on the ROJ 19/91xxx line is now played with the correct audio filter. - For streamers (Youtube and Twitch): The EIP boarding music that plays in the station should no longer cause copyright issues when your stream is available on VOD. The version has been changed and is now royalty-free (please contact us if you still encounter problems). I wish you all the best on SimRail and SimRail Passenger !
  12. Thanks for your message. I'm glad you're happy with our application. Regarding your question, yes, our aim is to treat all lines with EN and PL announcements. At the end of the week, I'm going to add the announcements for the ROJ 401xx and 406xx lines in the Polish version (PL). I'm currently working on translating the site into English and Polish and I'm also preparing the PL announcements for the two lines I mentioned earlier. I'll post a message on this forum as soon as the site is updated. After that I plan to add one or two EN or PL version lines per week, maybe more if I have the time ๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. The site is now open. I hope you have fun with SimRail and SimRail Passenger. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or technical problems. We will add Polish announcements on the ROJ 401xx and 406xx very soon. Good game to you !
  14. Hello everyone ! - The SimRailpassenger.fr team (Vince_ours, Chris Chris, IceCream, Dam Dam, SidTiger and Aurel) is happy to introduce you to our website on which we have worked and which will open to the public on Saturday June 8, 2024. - Simrail Passenger is a web application that will automatically broadcast audio and visual announcements depending on the position of your train: - Different types of announcements depending on the type of train (EIP, ECE, ROJ etc...). - All FR announcements are available on all lines (excluding night trains) with several "train managers" on certain lines. - EN announcement version on intercity 14/41xxx. - PL announcement version on line ROJ 19/91xxx. - During updates, we will add EN and PL announcements on all lines. >> Come join us on the "Chris Chris" YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@chrischris-wg8pn) Saturday June 8 at 4:00 p.m. (Paris time) for a live show which will present how SimRail Passenger works. >> Here is the site address: www.simrailpassenger.fr We hope you like it and hope to see many of you live!
  15. Many thanks for this project which offers additional help when working as a dispatcher. Do you plan to add the section between Grodzisk Mazowiecki and Warsawa ?
  16. You are not wrong sf_giants15. After all, not everyone stays on a dispatch post for long. There are some who will actually spend hours on the same one but others who will just come for 30min/1h and who will release it. The purpose of the queue would be to avoid getting stuck on the game menu while waiting for your position to become available. This system would allow you either to play with a train or to take another dispatch station where there is nobody while being registered in the queue. Afterwards, the queue can be very long, but that doesn't stop you from doing something else in the game.
  17. I agree with DeadlyKungFu.Ninja and others, I am also against a time limit on Dispatch posts. There are plenty of trains to drive to pass the time when the dispatch station you want is busy. And as DeadlyKungFu.Ninja says, a radio message or a phone call asking when the position becomes available is more than enough. On the other hand it could be interesting to have a system of "queue" in the menu of the game on which one registers on a station and when this one is released, the people in queue are automatically transferred in this one. But this system should be optional and at the choice of the player. Joining a queue would give the player's position in the queue and the player could drive a train during the waiting time and when it's their turn, a notification could appear on their screen with a response time of 5 seconds on which he must choose to accept to go to the position for which he is waiting or cancel because the player is no longer interested in the position.
  18. Indeed, you wait for nightfall, you leave your train at the bot and you take it back. Temporary solution for now.
  19. As of the last update on May 16, 2023, passenger car lights are working fine. On the other hand I found a problem, if you take a train in EP07/08 or Traxx before nightfall (the lights of the wagons are off) and they remain off throughout the service despite nightfall. If, on the other hand, you leave your train in AI and take it back after dark, the cars will be lit. So there is better but it is not quite resolved yet.
  20. Good morning. Around 7:00 p.m., at sunset, the texture of the highway on which we pass between P.K 23 and P.K 25 between Szeligi and Biala is red with question marks on the texture. On the other hand, the rest of the day, the texture is normal (asphalt). I am attaching a screenshot of this problem.
  21. Hello Since the last update last night (May 17, 2023), the written alerts that are supposed to be sent by the IA stations when a train leaves do not work (this type of message "Train xxxx left at xx:xx" ). After asking other players, it seems that only certain stations are affected by this issue (Zawiercie, Katowice, Polnoc). I inform you in this case that the sound of the notification works but no message appears. The other messages work normally.
  22. +1 . Je suis d'accord avec toi, un reboot toutes les 12h serait bien mieux.
  23. I agree with you. At night, when you are a driver, you can actually see the interior lights of your train's cars but not those of other AI and player trains. And when you're a Switcher, you don't see any lights in the AI/Player train. Only the lights of the front and rear headlights are visible but no lighted cars.
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