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SimRail Playtests Early Access


2 Neutral
  1. Is there any way for some of us could help with info gathering?
  2. You have no idea how much that is gonna help me; I was wondering for the longest time how a driver would have been able to go from Notch 43 to 0 in enough time after seeing the We8a up ahead; thank you both so dang much!
  3. Hi there, Loving the maps you have made, they have been really useful for trip planning and such; however, I have noticed that there are a fair few more service types now in the game that only serve partial sections of the line (from what I have seen in-game, they usually come from either Zelislawice or come from either side of the junction at Idzikowice, then travel down/up the main line until they reach the other location then leave the line). Would there perhaps be an updated version of the map somewhere that has added them? The Steam Guides page said to check here, but I haven't been able to find updated versions here either. Thank you in advance for any responses.
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