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Everything posted by Nicky_officialtv

  1. [Suggestion] Edit assist information, I noticed that if you don't do some things on the dispatcher the assist information kicks you, for me it's a mistake to put this option because I've encountered problems and you get kicked even for a small mistake, it bothers many people and so I think so, I wanted to make some changes regarding this system: 1) Take away the kick system, this system that threatens you that if you don't do something within 200 seconds you get kicked, doesn't make sense, if something happens in the tracks that the dispatcher can't do and he gets the kick message, he gets kicked having done nothing. 2) The message that threatens you of the kick I recommend making it as “advice” to the dispatcher to indicate to him that he is making that mistake but without threatening him with kick, simply say “look you are doing this wrong". 3) Make the assist information as an option that can be turned on and off in the settings, so “veteran” dispatchers can take it off without any problems. I hope someone likes my proposal, because it bothers a lot of people that you get kicked for an invalid reason.
  2. turn on the ET25 first and then the EU07
  3. It would be nice if they put more freight trains at night and fewer passenger trains
  4. Server Discord della comunità italiana, aiutiamo tutti di chi ha bisogno in simulazione e facciamo eventi qualche volta, ecco il link: https://discord.gg/s3Nbe9MbbR
  5. PRIMO EVENTO ITALIANO, C'è un problema in linea tra Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia e Sławków, per risolvere il problema bisogna chiudere un binario tra i 2 dispatcher, i dispatcher coinvolti saranno: Sosnowiec Główny, Sosnowiec Południowy, Juliusz, Dorota, Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia e Sławków. L'evento si svolgerà sul server IT1 il 22 Dicembre alle ore 21:00 e finisce il 24 Dicembre all'1:00, le regole sono queste: No trolling, No cazzeggio, Fare i seri e simulare, No abusare della chat o vocale, No abusare la chat o vocale portando questioni esterni dall'evento. Per prendere i dispatcher contattatemi su Discord (NickyOfficial #7229) oppure chiedete in chat-eventi sul server Discord SimRail ITA, Detto questo buon divertimento.
  6. la spiegazione è molto bella ma la cosa che non capisco è cosa c'entra TrainSimWorld con SimRail
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