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SimRail Early Access


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  1. I got it. In the scenario there was two trains connected to gather. So I activated the battery and ground relay from the second unit, and also released the handbrake from the second unit's forward cabin.
  2. I tried to get moving just like in the tutorial but I'm missing something. I can't release the brakes and the compressor makes a ticking noise. If I turn the compressor off the ticking noise goes away. So what am I missing here?
  3. I'm voting for the compressor as well. I had something similar happen when I once again was trying to type to chat, but instead I was still on the interface and pushed god knows what buttons. Brake pressure staid on 6%. I tried turning it off and on, but only when I clicked the reset button, then it started working. Also a light went off from the dash.
  4. Some of the trains have the controls, speedo and the vigilance system so that you can somewhat see them even if you are fully zoomed on your view. Like the EU07. But some trains you need to zoom out, move the screen and so fort to see the brake leaver, speed and so on. Like in the Pendolino, speedo is on the opposite side of the leavers. This is an issue if your trying to drive without the interface on. When your going 160 and see a yellow aspect, you then need to start zooming, moving the view around, see the brake leaver, then see the speedo, the SHP is flashing etc. So I thought that, would it be nice if there would be this PIP function. When ever you apply power or the brakes, a PIP would appear for some time to the corner of the screen. Something like I drew on the attachment. This way I could accurately see where the brake or power leaver is and could concentrate to driving.
  5. Yesterday I was doing signaling for the first time. I also worked on the "old school" tables like in Bedzin and so fort. Was able to learn how to send trains using the left track. My only issue was that sometimes the AI would ask if it could send someone using the left track, but when I then repplied that the coast is clear (using the chat option menu), after couple of minutes the AI canceled that request. Is there some trick on this?
  6. I would suggest using the Num6 key, this releases the brake. I never actually use Num9 key, since the brakes are so slow and I cannot be sure whre the handle then is. If I need to reduce the braking effort, I will click Num6 and then once or twice Num3 to reapply the brake.
  7. I personally like when something happens, a stop, there's some traffic ahead, and so on. Today there was some bot train that drove trough a red ABS, so he was doing 20 kph. Then something else happened and it stopped. This piled all the trains next to Psary. Dispatcher went to deal with it but it took like 10 to 15 minutes to fix the issue. And the rest of the trip, there ware planty of yellow and reds along the way. It was much more pleasing compared to just running all greens and just trying to keep top speed. I also like when they put the train on a siding, since then there is something to do.
  8. I look from the time table when I need to go. There are paper versions on this forum if you have that disabled. And if I’m late I’ll just stop for 15 seconds. Seems to work.
  9. One of these trains there was a second E-stop button for the co-pilot. And this needed to be lifted also. I don’t remember if it was this train, but it took a while to notice it.
  10. I found the speed limit table for all trains. This has those kilometre numbers for all stations. So now I can use that to be sure if I’m supposed to stop in a station. Also some stations don’t have that “station in braking distance” marker so I can look from the km signs if I’m close.
  11. In multiplayer, it seems that the requirement for stopping at the end of the platform is much demaning. I was driving those modern trains in single player, and there it was okey to stop atleast 50-100m before the end of the platform. In Multiplayer I was driving the old train with the steering wheel, as a passenger train, and it was really finicy. It either told that I missed the stopping point or the "approaching station" warning was on. The space for the "you can stop now" was really small. Is the "old" train so long that this is the reason, or is there a some type of bug in the system? Second issue is the lack of a map (I know that there are community made ones) and that station names cannot be seen from distance. So if the train doesn't stop at every station, it's difficult to know which ones to stop. I don't want to have the "Track info" on since it also then tells about upcoming signals and speed limits. I rather try to master the speed my self.
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