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SimRail Early Access


3 Neutral
  1. Hallo, nach einem Besuch in Warschau ist mir aufgefallen, dass bereits im Bahnhof "Wschodnia" die bekannte Skyline der Stadt mit Kulturpalast und den Wolkenkratzern weit sichtbar ist. Dies bleibt bis zur Einfahrt in den Tunnel zum Hbf so bestehen. Gerade bei der Fahrt über die Weichsel bietet sich ein grandioser Blick auf die Stadt. Könnte hier evtl. noch etwas modifiziert werden, damit die schöne Silhouette besser sichtbar ist? Bei den Einstellungen zur Sichtweite habe ich bereits die vollen 2000m angewandt.
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  2. Unfortunately there are no announcements although I use the manual of @RWag64. Also I've downloaded the TTS-package for Polisch language. Perhaps we have an expert helping me and us with the attached "de.lang"-file. Thanks for your help! de.rar
  3. Do you hear the announcements if German is setted as game language? I guess that this factor is crucial whether announcements will be played or not.
  4. Which improvements of announcements are there since the last update now? When German is setted, you will hear even nothing. Happy Easter!
  5. I also have the same problem. At few places in Zawiercie (coming from Gora Wlodowska and standing at the platform) the connection to the server will be disrupted. After departing, in the amount of the signal box, there isn't any further disconnection. Further, I don't hear any announcement when German language is setted.
  6. Thanks for your help! 🙂 Is there an optimization planned for those users who don't have a SSD or a SSD with limited memory space?
  7. Hello, since last update of SimRail there are many crashes of the connection to the server (DE1 and DE2) while loading a train. A successful connection is only established after a few attempts. SimRail is installed on HDD, connection to the Internet exits via Wi-Fi (stable via 5 GHz and 500 Mbit/s). Which suggestions can you explain to optimizing the connection? Thanks for your help! SimRail_log_2023-02-21_17-15-22.txt SimRail_log_2023-02-21_17-23-34.txt
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